The Higgs boson - part three by Minute Physics

This is a higgs boson video explaining how to discover a particle. ow do you know when you've "discovered" a particle? What do we mean by "discovery"? Also, explore a map of the big bang! http://www.bigbangregistry.com/nMinutePhysics is on Google+ - http://bit.ly/qzEwc6 And facebook - http://facebook.com/minutephysics And twitter - @minutephysics/nMinute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute!/nMusic by Nathaniel Schroeder/nThanks to Ross Diener, Nima Doroud and Derek Muller for contributions and to Perimeter Institute for support. http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca

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Channels: Atomic, molecular, and optical physics

Tags: higgs boson

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 13-08-2015.

Duration: 3m 8s