"Lec 12 - Sociology 150A - Film and Roles and Identity 1"Social Psychology: Self and Society Professor Robb Willer
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Berkeley
Lec 1 - Sociology 150A - Introduction to Social Psychology
Lec 2 - Sociology 150A -Experiments
Lec 3 - Sociology 150A - Cognitive Biases 1
Lec 4 - Sociology 150A - Cognitive Biases 2
Lec 5 - Sociology 150A- Cognitive Biases 3
Lec 7 - Sociology 150A - Conformity and Norms 1
Lec 8 - Sociology 150A - Conformity and Norms 2
Lec 9 - Sociology 150A - Conformity and Norms 3
Lec 10 - Sociology 150A -Obedience 1
Lec 11 - Sociology150A -Obedience 2
Lec 13 Sociology150A -Roles and Identity 2
Lec 14 - Sociology150A - Social Identity Theory 1
Lec 15- Sociology150A - The Southern Culture of Honor
Lec 16 - Sociology 150A -Social Identity Theory 2
Lec 18-*Sociology150A - Status and Review Session for Mid-term
Lec 19 - Sociology150A - Stereotypes 1
Lec 20 - Sociology150A - Stereotypes 2
Lec 21 - Sociology150A - Automaticity 1
Lec 22 - Sociology 150A - Automaticity 2
Lec 23 - Sociology150A -Automaticity 3 and Immune Neglect
Lec 24 - Sociology150A -Immune Neglect 2 and Happiness