"Lec 5 - Toward Adaptive Services for Personal Archiving" November 2, 2007 lecture by Cathy Marshall for the Stanford University Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (CS 547). Most of us engage in magical thinking when it comes to the long term fate of our digital stuff. At this point, a strategy that hinges on benign neglect and lots of copies seems to be the best we can hope for. Cathy discusses four central themes of personal digital archiving and some additional challenges introduced by home computing environments. She also talks about how these themes relate to emerging institutional archiving technologies, best practices, and information policies. CS 547 | Human-Computer Interaction Seminar: http://hci.stanford.edu/seminar/ Stanford HCI Group: http://hci.stanford.edu/ Stanford Center for Professional Development: http://scpd.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanforduniversity/
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Channels: Computer Science
Tags: Lec 5 - Toward Adaptive Services for Personal Archiving
Uploaded by: stanfordcompint7 ( Send Message ) on 14-09-2012.
Duration: 61m 35s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of stanford
Lec 1 - Designing Interactions that Combine Pen, Paper, and PC
Lec 2 - Accountability of Presence: Location Tracking Beyond Privacy
Lec 3 - Augmented Social Cognition
Lec 4 - Designing a Health Care Interface
Lec 6 - Data Modeling and Conceptual Sketching in the Design Process
Lec 7 - ChucK: A Computer Music Programming Language
Lec 8 - Context Aware Computing: Understanding Human Intention
Lec 9 - Adaptive Interaction Techniques for Sharing Design Resources
Lec 10 - Technologies for Collaborative Democracy
Lec 11 - Designing for Cuba: Necessary In(ter)vention
Lec 12 - The Past, Present, and Future of Digital Memories
Lec 13 - The Democratization of Ubiquitous Computing
Lec 14 - Automatically Generating Personalized Adaptive User Interfaces
Lec 15 - MySong: Automatic Accompaniment for Vocal Melodies
Lec 16 - Automating & Customizing the Web With Keyword Programming