Lec 1 - Designing Interactions that Combine Pen, Paper, and PC

"Lec 1 - Designing Interactions that Combine Pen, Paper, and PC" October 5, 2007 lecture by Ron Yeh for the Stanford University Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (CS 547). Pen and paper are powerful tools for visualizing designs, penning music, and communicating through art and written language. This pairing provides many benefits -it is mobile, flexible, and robust. Ron discusses the impact that this will have on end users and the software developers who will have to create these applications. CS 547 | Human-Computer Interaction Seminar: http://hci.stanford.edu/seminar/ Stanford HCI Group: http://hci.stanford.edu/ Stanford Center for Professional Development: http://scpd.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanforduniversity/

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