"Lec 4 - Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby" Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Faulkner (AMST 246) Professor Wai Chee Dimock begins her discussion of The Great Gatsby by highlighting Fitzgerald's experimental counter-realism, a quality that his editor Maxwell Perkins referred to as "vagueness." She argues that his counter-realism comes from his animation of inanimate objects, giving human dimensions of motion and emotion to things as varied as lawns, ashes, juicers, telephones, and automobiles. She concludes with a short meditation on race in The Great Gatsby and encourages a closer reading of the novel's instances of racial differentiation. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Maxwell Perkins and the "Vagueness" of Gatsby 03:51 - Chapter 2. The Experimentalism of The Great Gatsby 06:55 - Chapter 3. Counter-Realism inĀ The Great Gatsby 09:37 - Chapter 4. The Animation of the Inanimate 19:28 - Chapter 5. The Human and the Machine 27:37 - Chapter 6. The Telephone 36:54 - Chapter 7. The Automobile 42:09 - Chapter 8. Race and the Automobile 46:46 - Chapter 9. Death and the Automobile Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://oyc.yale.edu This course was recorded in Fall 2011.
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Tags: Lec 4 - Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby
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Duration: 48m 56s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1 - Introduction - Hemingway Fitzgerald Faulkner
Lec 2 - Hemingway's In Our Time
Lec 3 - Hemingway's In Our Time, Part II
Lec 5 - Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, Part II
Lec 6 - Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury
Lec 7 - Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury, Part II
Lec 8 - Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury, Part III
Lec 9 - Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury, Part IV
Lec 10 - Hemingway -- To Have and Have Not
Lec 11 - Hemingway -- To Have and Have Not
Lec 13 - Faulkner -- As I Lay Dying
Lec 14 - Faulkner -- As I Lay Dying, Part II
Lec 15 - Faulkner -- As I Lay Dying
Lec 16 - Hemingway -- For Whom the Bell Tolls
Lec 17 - Hemingway -- For Whom the Bell Tolls
Lec 18 - Hemingway -- For Whom the Bell Tolls (continued)
Lec 19 - Hemingway -- For Whom the Bell Tolls (continued)
Lec 20 - Fitzgerald - Tender Is the Night
Lec 21 - Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night (continued)
Lec 22 - Faulkner, Light in August
Lec 23 - Faulkner, Light in August (continued)