Lec 1 - Introduction - Dante in Translation

"Lec 1 - Introduction" Dante in Translation (ITAL 310) Professor Mazzotta introduces students to the general scheme and scope of the Divine Comedy and to the life of its author. Various genres to which the poem belongs (romance, epic, vision) are indicated, and special attention is given to its place within the encyclopedic tradition. The poem is then situated historically through an overview of Dante's early poetic and political careers and the circumstances that led to his exile. Professor Mazzotta concludes by discussing the central role Dante's exile was to play in his poetic project. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction: A Circle of Knowledge 07:28 - Chapter 2. Dante in a Historical Context 17:16 - Chapter 3. General Housekeeping Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2008

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Duration: 18m 46s

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