"Lec 1 - Class III Composite Restoration" The procedure for a composite restoration including cavity prep.,final caries removal, refinement and retention, pulpal protection,manip. and placement of composite mat. Orig. air date: AUG 7 73 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education
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Channels: Medical
Tags: Lec 1 - Class III Composite Restoration
Uploaded by: michiganoperativ ( Send Message ) on 11-09-2012.
Duration: 32m 40s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan
Lec 2 - Zinc Oxide Eugenol Base (B & T)
Lec 3 - Class I Amalgam Restoration
Lec 4 - Class V Amalgam: Introduction, Cavity Prep and Retention
Lec 5 - Class V Amalgam Restoration: Cervical Matrix Application
Lec 6 - Class V Amalgam Restoration: Finishing and Polishing
Lec 7 - Class V Amalgam Restoration: Condensation and Carving
Lec 9 - Preparation of Cavity Liners
Lec 10 - Instrument Sharpening (Hand Cutting)
Lec 12 - Syringe Preparation and Handling
Lec 13 - Class II Slice Technique
Lec 14 - Class IV Composite - Acid Etch
Lec 15 - Class III Cohesive Alloyed Gold Filling
Lec 16 - Class I Buccal Pit Cohesive Gold Foil
Lec 17 - Intermediary Base - Calcium Hydroxide and Zinc Oxide Eugenol
Lec 18 - Operator-Patient Positioning for Operative Dentistry
Lec 19 - Development of the Wax Pattern
Lec 20 - Introduction to Hand and Rotary Cutting Instruments
Lec 21 - Isolation Methods Used in Operative Dentistry
Lec 22 - Class V amalgam: Cavity liner and cement base
Lec 23 - Dental Anatomy and Restorative Dentistry
Lec 24 - Fabricating Long Shaft Latch Burs
Lec 25 - Class V Cohesive Alloyed Gold Filling
Lec 26 - Refining The Preparation: Application of Hand Instruments
Lec 27 - Complex Cast Gold Restoration: An Overview
Lec 28 - Clinical Applications of Pit and Fissure Sealants
Lec 29 - Pit and Fissure Sealants
Lec 30 - Instrument Arrangement and Clean Techniques
Lec 31 - Calcium Hydroxide and Zinc Oxide Eugenol Bases
Lec 32 - A Guide for Self-Evaluation - Preclinical and Clinical Operative Dentistry
Lec 33 - Esthetics and Communications with a Custom Shade Guide
Lec Last - Class II Indirect Gold Inlay - Cavity Preparation