"Lec 29 - Pit and Fissure Sealants" The objectives of this video are to present the rationale for sealant use, sealant materials, application techniques, and patient education on the clinical use of sealants. Orig. air date: APR 19 88 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education
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Channels: Medical
Tags: Lec 29 - Pit and Fissure Sealants
Uploaded by: michiganoperativ ( Send Message ) on 11-09-2012.
Duration: 10m 38s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan
Lec 1 - Class III Composite Restoration
Lec 2 - Zinc Oxide Eugenol Base (B & T)
Lec 3 - Class I Amalgam Restoration
Lec 4 - Class V Amalgam: Introduction, Cavity Prep and Retention
Lec 5 - Class V Amalgam Restoration: Cervical Matrix Application
Lec 6 - Class V Amalgam Restoration: Finishing and Polishing
Lec 7 - Class V Amalgam Restoration: Condensation and Carving
Lec 9 - Preparation of Cavity Liners
Lec 10 - Instrument Sharpening (Hand Cutting)
Lec 12 - Syringe Preparation and Handling
Lec 13 - Class II Slice Technique
Lec 14 - Class IV Composite - Acid Etch
Lec 15 - Class III Cohesive Alloyed Gold Filling
Lec 16 - Class I Buccal Pit Cohesive Gold Foil
Lec 17 - Intermediary Base - Calcium Hydroxide and Zinc Oxide Eugenol
Lec 18 - Operator-Patient Positioning for Operative Dentistry
Lec 19 - Development of the Wax Pattern
Lec 20 - Introduction to Hand and Rotary Cutting Instruments
Lec 21 - Isolation Methods Used in Operative Dentistry
Lec 22 - Class V amalgam: Cavity liner and cement base
Lec 23 - Dental Anatomy and Restorative Dentistry
Lec 24 - Fabricating Long Shaft Latch Burs
Lec 25 - Class V Cohesive Alloyed Gold Filling
Lec 26 - Refining The Preparation: Application of Hand Instruments
Lec 27 - Complex Cast Gold Restoration: An Overview
Lec 28 - Clinical Applications of Pit and Fissure Sealants
Lec 30 - Instrument Arrangement and Clean Techniques
Lec 31 - Calcium Hydroxide and Zinc Oxide Eugenol Bases
Lec 32 - A Guide for Self-Evaluation - Preclinical and Clinical Operative Dentistry
Lec 33 - Esthetics and Communications with a Custom Shade Guide
Lec Last - Class II Indirect Gold Inlay - Cavity Preparation