Statistics: The Average Introduction to descriptive statistics and central tendency. Ways to measure the average of a set: median, mean, mode
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Channels: Mathematics
Tags: Statistics: The Average
Uploaded by: khanstatistics ( Send Message ) on 10-09-2012.
Duration: 12m 35s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of khan
Lec 2 - Statistics: Sample vs. Population Mean
Lec 3 - Statistics: Variance of a Population
Lec 4 - Statistics: Sample Variance
Lec 5 - Statistics: Standard Deviation
Lec 6 - Statistics: Alternate Variance Formulas
Lec 7 - Introduction to Random Variables
Lec 8 - Probability Density Functions
Lec 9 - Binomial Distribution 1
Lec 10 - Binomial Distribution 2
Lec 11 - Binomial Distribution 3
Lec 12 - Binomial Distribution 4
Lec 114 - Expected Value of Binomial Distribution
Lec 18 - Normal Distribution Excel Exercise
Lec 19 - Introduction to the Normal Distribution
Lec 20 - Normal Distribution Problems: Qualitative sense of normal distributions
Lec 21 - Normal Distribution Problems: z-score
Lec 22 - Normal Distribution Problems: Empirical Rule
Lec 23 - Exercise: Standard Normal Distribution and the Empirical Rule
LKec 24 - More Empirical Rule and Z-score practice
Lec 25 - Central Limit Theorem
Lec 26 - Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean
Lec 27 - Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean 2
Lec 28 - Standard Error of the Mean
Lec 29 - Sampling Distribution Example Problem
Lec 30 - Confidence Interval 1
Lec 31 - Mean and Variance of Bernoulli Distribution Example
Lec 32 - Bernoulli Distribution Mean and Variance Formulas
Lec 35 - Confidence Interval Example
Lec 36 - Small Sample Size Confidence Intervals
Lec 37 - Hypothesis Testing and P-values
Lec 38 - One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Tests
Lec 39 - Z-statistics vs. T-statistics
Lec 41 - Small Sample Hypothesis Test
Lec 42 - T-Statistic Confidence Interval
Lec 43 - Large Sample Proportion Hypothesis Testing
Lec 44 - Variance of Differences of Random Variables
Lec 45 - Difference of Sample Means Distribution
Lec 46 - Confidence Interval of Difference of Means
Lec 47 - Clarification of Confidence Interval of Difference of Means
Lec 48 - Hypothesis Test for Difference of Means
Lec 49 - Comparing Population Proportions 1
Lec 50 - Comparing Population Proportions 2
Lec 51 - Hypothesis Test Comparing Population Proportions
Lec 52 - Squared Error of Regression Line
Lec 53 - Proof (Part 1) Minimizing Squared Error to Regression Line
Lec 54 - Proof (Part 3) Minimizing Squared Error to Regression Line
Lec 55 - Proof (Part 4) Minimizing Squared Error to Regression Line
Lec 56 - Regression Line Example
Lec 57 - Proof Part 2 Minimizing Squared Error to Line
Lec 58 - R-Squared or Coefficient of Determination
Lec 59 - Second Regression Example
Lec 60 - Calculating R-Squared
Lec 61 - Covariance and the Regression Line
Lec 62 - Chi-Square Distribution Introduction
Lec 63 - Pearson's Chi Square Test (Goodness of Fit)
Lec 64 -Contingency Table Chi-Square Test
Lec 65 -ANOVA 1 - Calculating SST (Total Sum of Squares)
Lec 66 -ANOVA 2 - Calculating SSW and SSB (Total Sum of Squares Within and Between).avi