Bailout 15: More on the solution More on the "Plutsky Plan".
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Tags: Bailout 15: More on the solution
Uploaded by: khanpaulsonbail ( Send Message ) on 10-09-2012.
Duration: 10m 9s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of khan
Lec 1 - Bailout 1: Liquidity vs. Solvency
Lec 3 - Bailout 3: Book value vs. market value
Lec 4 - Bailout 4: Mark-to-model vs. mark-to-market
Lec 5 - Bailout 5: Paying off the debt
Lec 6 - Bailout 6: Getting an equity infusion
Lec 7 - Bailout 7: Bank goes into bankruptcy
Lec 8 - Bailout 8: Systemic Risk
Lec 9 - Bailout 9: Paulson's Plan
Lec 10 - Bailout 10: Moral Hazard
Lec 11 - Bailout 11: Why these CDOs could be worth nothing