"Lec 19 -Dental Anatomy and Oral Surgery"This tape explains the function of dental anatomy in oral surgery. It points at the parts of anatomy that are most important to the oral surgeon. Orig. air date: JUL 15 74 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education
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Channels: Medical
Tags: Lec 19 -Dental Anatomy and Oral Surgery
Uploaded by: michigandental ( Send Message ) on 09-09-2012.
Duration: 38m 14s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan
Lec 1 -Dental Anatomy: Primary Dentition
Lec 3 -Dental Anatomy: Maxillary Premolars
Lec 2-Dental Anatomy: Maxillary Molars Review
Lec 4 -Dental Anatomy: Maxillary Incisors
lec 5- Dental Anatomy: Mandibular Premolars Review
Lec 6-Dental Anatomy: Mandibular Molars Review
Lec 7- Dental Anatomy Introduction
Lec 8 -Dental Anatomy: Canines (Cuspids) Review
lec 9-Dental Anatomy: Maxillary Molars
Lec 10 - Review of Oral Tissues and Salivary Glands
Lec 11 -Dental Anatomy: Waxing a Mandibular Bicuspid
Lec 12-Dental Anatomy: Introduction to Waxing, Bench Set-up
Lec 13-Dental Anatomy: Waxing a Maxillary Central Incisor
Lec 14- Dental Anatomy: Waxing a Maxillary Second Bicuspid
Lec 15 -Dental Anatomy: Mandibular Molars Review
Lec 16 -Palato-Pharyngeal Function
Lec 17- Dental Anatomy and Endodontics
Lec18- Dental Anatomy and Pedodontics
Lec 20- Dental Anatomy: Primary Dentition Review
Lec 21 -Dental Anatomy: Maxillary Premolars Review
Lec 22- LDental Anatomy: Maxillary Incisors Review
Lec 23 -Dental Anatomy: Mandibular Incisors Review
Lec 24-Dental Anatomy: Mandibular Premolars
Lec 25 -Dental Anatomy Quiz 1-9 Answers
Lec 27 -Dental Anatomy: The Canine Teeth
Lec 28 -Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery and Dental Anatomy