"Lec 10 - Review of Oral Tissues and Salivary Glands"Microscopic survey of the oral tissues and salivary glands with emphasis on the epithelium. Orig. air date: JAN 28 72 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan
Lec 1 -Dental Anatomy: Primary Dentition
Lec 3 -Dental Anatomy: Maxillary Premolars
Lec 2-Dental Anatomy: Maxillary Molars Review
Lec 4 -Dental Anatomy: Maxillary Incisors
lec 5- Dental Anatomy: Mandibular Premolars Review
Lec 6-Dental Anatomy: Mandibular Molars Review
Lec 7- Dental Anatomy Introduction
Lec 8 -Dental Anatomy: Canines (Cuspids) Review
lec 9-Dental Anatomy: Maxillary Molars
Lec 11 -Dental Anatomy: Waxing a Mandibular Bicuspid
Lec 12-Dental Anatomy: Introduction to Waxing, Bench Set-up
Lec 13-Dental Anatomy: Waxing a Maxillary Central Incisor
Lec 14- Dental Anatomy: Waxing a Maxillary Second Bicuspid
Lec 15 -Dental Anatomy: Mandibular Molars Review
Lec 16 -Palato-Pharyngeal Function
Lec 17- Dental Anatomy and Endodontics
Lec18- Dental Anatomy and Pedodontics
Lec 19 -Dental Anatomy and Oral Surgery
Lec 20- Dental Anatomy: Primary Dentition Review
Lec 21 -Dental Anatomy: Maxillary Premolars Review
Lec 22- LDental Anatomy: Maxillary Incisors Review
Lec 23 -Dental Anatomy: Mandibular Incisors Review
Lec 24-Dental Anatomy: Mandibular Premolars
Lec 25 -Dental Anatomy Quiz 1-9 Answers
Lec 27 -Dental Anatomy: The Canine Teeth
Lec 28 -Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery and Dental Anatomy