Insurance Guest: Evan Mills, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Environmental Energy Technologies Division
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Channels: Ecology
Tags: UC Berkeley Law course Fall 2008 ucberkeley climate change economy policy and science technology international relations insurance
Uploaded by: berkeleyclimate ( Send Message ) on 05-09-2012.
Duration: 103m 4s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of berkeley
Lec 1 - The Science of Climate Change
Lec 2 - The Economics of Climate Change
Lec 5 - The International Climate Regime
Lec 6 - Technology and Policy for Mitigation
Lec 7 - Climate Change and Biodiversity
Lec 8 - Climate and Trade Law: The Biofuels Problem
Lec 9 - Massachusetts v. EPA and its Aftermath
Lec 10 - Putting a Price on Carbon - Cap & Trade, Carbon Tax