"Lec 16 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering" The head TA of Introduction to Chemical Engineering (E20) fills in for Professor Channing Robertson and discusses how to construct a pharmacokinetics model using a virtual human "tank" model. Introduction to Chemical Engineering (E20) is an introductory course offered by the Stanford University Engineering Department. It provides a basic overview of the chemical engineering field today and delves into the applications of chemical engineering. Stanford Chemical Engineering Department: http://cheme.stanford.edu/ Stanford University: http://www.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanford
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Channels: Chemical Engineering
Tags: science chemistry medicine chemical engineering math pharmacokinetics virtual human body tank model scaling drug concentration injection impulse water tissue absorption function equation dimensionless analysis time flow steady sta
Uploaded by: stanfordchemeng ( Send Message ) on 04-09-2012.
Duration: 47m 36s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of stanford
Lec 1- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 2- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 3- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 4- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 5- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 6- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 7- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 8- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 9- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 10- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 11 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 12 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 13 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 14 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 15 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 17 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 18 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering