"Lec 17 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering" Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses biomedical engineering and the functions and anatomy of the kidney. Introduction to Chemical Engineering (E20) is an introductory course offered by the Stanford University Engineering Department. It provides a basic overview of the chemical engineering field today and delves into the applications of chemical engineering. Stanford Chemical Engineering Department: http://cheme.stanford.edu/ Stanford University: http://www.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanford
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Channels: Chemical Engineering
Tags: science chemistry chemical engineering math biomedical medicine design artificial kidney renal artery vein ureter blood filter waste plasma fluid surface area nephron tubule reabsorption capillary glomeruli
Uploaded by: stanfordchemeng ( Send Message ) on 04-09-2012.
Duration: 51m 38s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of stanford
Lec 1- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 2- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 3- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 4- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 5- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 6- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 7- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 8- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 9- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 10- Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 11 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 12 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 13 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 14 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 15 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 16 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Lec 18 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering