"Lec 19 - Immortality Part II; The value of life, Part I" Death (PHIL 176) The lecture begins with further exploration of the question of whether it is desirable to live forever under the right circumstances, and then turns to consideration of some alternative theories of the nature of well-being. What makes a life worth living? One popular theory is hedonism, but the thought experiment of being on an "experience machine" suggests that this view may be inadequate. 00:00 - Chapter 1. What Kind of Life Is Worth Living Forever? 12:47 - Chapter 2. Can Boredom Be Eradicated in Immortal Life? 19:10 - Chapter 3. What Makes a Good Life Good? 29:11 - Chapter 4. Hedonism: Does Pleasure Exclusively Define a Good Life? 40:47 - Chapter 5. Nozick's Experience Machine: The Perfect Floating Life 46:52 - Chapter 6. Conclusion Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2007.
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Tags: Barnes experience machine hedonism Julian Methuselah progressive memory Matrix
Uploaded by: yaledeath ( Send Message ) on 29-08-2012.
Duration: 49m 1s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 2 - The nature of persons: dualism vs. physicalism
Lec 3 - Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part I
Lec 4 - Introduction to Plato's Phaedo; Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part II
Lec 5 - Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part III: Free will and near-death experiences
Lec 6 - Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part IV; Plato, Part I
Lec 7 - Plato, Part II: Arguments for the immortality of the soul
Lec 8 - Plato, Part III: Arguments for the immortality of the soul (cont.)
Lec 9 - Plato, Part IV: Arguments for the immortality of the soul (cont.)
Lec 10 - Personal identity, Part I: Identity across space and time and the soul theory
Lec 11 - Personal identity, Part II: The body theory and the personality theory
Lec 12 - Personal identity, Part III: Objections to the personality theory
Lec 13 - Personal identity, Part IV; What matters?
Lec 14 - What matters (cont.); The nature of death, Part I
Lec 15 - The nature of death (cont.); Believing you will die
Lec 16 - Dying alone; The badness of death, Part I
Lec 17 - The badness of death, Part II: The deprivation account
Lec 18 - The badness of death, Part III; Immortality, Part I
Lec 20 - The value of life, Part II; Other bad aspects of death, Part I
Lec 21 - Other bad aspects of death, Part II
Lec 23 - How to live given the certainty of death
Lec 24 - Suicide, Part I: The rationality of suicide
Lec 25 - Suicide, Part II: Deciding under uncertainty
Lec 26 - Suicide, Part III: The morality of suicide and course conclusion