"Lec 2 - Planetary Orbits" Frontiers/Controversies in Astrophysics (ASTR 160) Exoplanets are introduced and students learn how astronomers detect their presence as well as the challenges associated with it. Physics equations are explained as well as their importance in the context of the course. A number of problems are worked out to get students used to dealing with large numbers in calculating planetary masses, interplanetary distances, etc. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Course Logistics 06:15 - Chapter 2. Exoplanets 12:56 - Chapter 3. Physical Units and Significant Digits 33:23 - Chapter 4. Calculating the Distance between Planets and Stars Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2007.
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Channels: Astrophysics
Tags: Earth Pentagon Physics equation Sirius Sun
Uploaded by: yalefrontcont ( Send Message ) on 29-08-2012.
Duration: 51m 23s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 1- Introduction to Frontiers Controversies in Astrophysics
Lec 3 - Our Solar System and the Pluto Problem
Lec 4 - Discovering Exoplanets: Hot Jupiters
Lec 6 - Microlensing, Astrometry and Other Methods
Lec 7 - Direct Imaging of Exoplanets
Lec 8 - Introduction to Black Holes
Lec 9 - Special and General Relativity
Lec 11 - Special and General Relativity (cont.)
Lec 12 - Stellar Mass Black Holes
Lec 13 - Stellar Mass Black Holes (cont.)
Lec 15 - Supermassive Black Holes
Lec 16 - Hubble's Law and the Big Bang
Lec 17 - Hubble's Law and the Big Bang (cont.)
Lec 18- Hubble's Law and the Big Bang (cont.)
Lec 19 - Omega and the End of the Universe
Lec 21 - Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe and the Big Rip