Meiosis Videos
Videos 1-4 of 4

Meiosis, fertilization and human sex determination
Meiosis, the form of cell division unique to egg and sperm production, sets the stage for sex determination by creating sperm that carry either an X or a Y sex chromosome. But what is it about the X and Y that determinates the sex?
Tags // Meiosis sperm egg sex chromosomes crossing over
Added: August 6, 2007, 1:57 pm
Runtime: 127.96 | Views: 28745 | Comments:0

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Meiosis: from gonade to the baby
Meiosis is special cell division which results in 4 cells. It is characteristic for gonads (sex glands - testes and ovaries) where sex cells - ovum and sperm are produced. After production of sex cells, and successful fertilization takes palace, embryo begins to develop. Who's sex cells are to determent embryo's sex?
Tags // Meiosis gonads sex determination
Added: August 6, 2007, 1:58 pm
Runtime: 111.31 | Views: 18074 | Comments:0

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How Meiosis are formed
In meiosis chromosomes are condensed and paired with homologes (one from mother and father). Crossing over occurs, resulting in exchange of parts of chromosomes and forming new, hybrid chromosomes. After that, chromosomes are randomly pulled apart and cells are divided. After that, new cell division takes place, resulting in 4 cells that have haploid chromosome number.
Tags // Meiosis gonads chromosomes crossing over haploid cells
Added: May 16, 2007, 2:09 am
Runtime: 108.07 | Views: 21309 | Comments:0

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This video shows how meiosis occurs. Meiosis is a type of cell devision.
Tags // Meiosis
Added: May 11, 2007, 11:44 pm
Runtime: 62.00 | Views: 24844 | Comments:0

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