Course: Course | Particle Physics: Standard Model Dnatube

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Lec 1 - New Revolutions in Particle Phys ...

"Lec 1 - New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Standard Model" (January 11, 2010) Leonard Susskind, discusses the origin of covalent bonds, Coulomb's Law, and the names and properties of particles. This course is a continuation of the Fall quarter on particle physics. The material will focus on the Standard Model of particle physics, especially quantum chromodynamics (the theory of quarks)...

Lec 2 - New Revolutions in Particle Phys ...

"Lec 2 - New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Standard Model" (January 18, 2010) Professor Leonard Susskind discusses quantum chromodynamics, the theory of quarks, gluons, and hadrons. This course is a continuation of the Fall quarter on particle physics. The material will focus on the Standard Model of particle physics, especially quantum chromodynamics (the theory of quarks) and the...

Lec 3 - New Revolutions in Particle Phys ...

"Lec 3 - New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Standard Model" (February 1, 2010) Professor Leonard Susskind continues his discussion of group theory. This course is a continuation of the Fall quarter on particle physics. The material will focus on the Standard Model of particle physics, especially quantum chromodynamics (the theory of quarks) and the electroweak theory based on the existence...

Lec 4 - New Revolutions in Particle Phys ...

"Lec 4 - New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Standard Model" (February 8, 2010) Professor Leonard Susskind discusses gauge theories. This course is a continuation of the Fall quarter on particle physics. The material will focus on the Standard Model of particle physics, especially quantum chromodynamics (the theory of quarks) and the electroweak theory based on the existence of the Higgs...

Lec 5 - New Revolutions in Particle Phys ...

"Lec 5 - New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Standard Model" (February 15, 2010) Professor Leonard Susskind delivers the sixth lecture for the course New Revolutions in Particle Physics: The Standard Model. This course is a continuation of the Fall quarter on particle physics. The material will focus on the Standard Model of particle physics, especially quantum chromodynamics (the theory...

Lec 6 - New Revolutions in Particle Phys ...

"Lec 6 - New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Standard Model" (February 22, 2010) Professor Leonard Susskind discusses spontaneous symmetry breaking and gauge invariance. This course is a continuation of the Fall quarter on particle physics. The material will focus on the Standard Model of particle physics, especially quantum chromodynamics (the theory of quarks) and the electroweak theory...

Lec 7 - New Revolutions in Particle Phys ...

"Lec 7 - New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Standard Model" (March 30, 2009) Leonard Susskind explains the Higgs phenomena by discussing how spontaneous symmetry breaking induces a mass for the photon. This course is a continuation of the Fall quarter on particle physics. The material will focus on the Standard Model of particle physics, especially quantum chromodynamics (the theory of...

Lec 8 - New Revolutions in Particle Phys ...

"Lec 8 - New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Standard Model" (March 30, 2009) Leonard Susskind explains how the Higgs phenomenon interacts masses of quarks and leptons. This course is a continuation of the Fall quarter on particle physics. The material will focus on the Standard Model of particle physics, especially quantum chromodynamics (the theory of quarks) and the electroweak theory...

Lec Last - New Revolutions in Particle P ...

"Lec Last - New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Standard Model" (March 15, 2010) Professor Leonard Susskind delivers the tenth lecture for the course New Revolutions in Particle Physics: The Standard Model. This course is a continuation of the Fall quarter on particle physics. The material will focus on the Standard Model of particle physics, especially quantum chromodynamics (the theory of...

Course | Particle Physics: Standard Model

Source of these courses is stanford 
Videos: 9 Duration: 14 hours. The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory concerning the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear interactions, which mediate the dynamics of the known subatomic particles. Developed throughout the mid to late 20th century, The Standard Model is truly “a tapestry woven by many hands”, sometimes driven forward by new experimental discoveries, sometimes by theoretical advances.
stanford  Website:

COURSE NAME: Course | Particle Physics: Standard Model