This is a great video showing different object such as butterfly wing or computer chips being ...
Scientists can manipulate water droplets by levitating with sound.
Near by Porto Rico, new weird animals are discovered in deep ocean. What else are also in there?
How is fermentation discovered? It is explained step by step in history from the primitive man ...
So why can we only see one side of the moon from Earth? We all know that the Earth rotates on ...
Magic mushrooms have been used ritually by the native people of Mesoamerica for hundreds, if not ...
One of the target of Immunotherapy is to recognize and destroy cancer cells, but the ...
Nanotubes are nanometer-scale tube-like structure and they are extremely strong, way too more ...
COVID-19 animation by Nucleus Medical Media and our friends at the What If Channel (youtube). ...
Infection begins when the dengue virus uses receptors on an immune cell's surface to gain entry ...
The image depicts a checkerboard with light and dark squares. The optical illusion is that the ...
A supersaturated solution of sodium acetate can be used to create beautiful sodium actetate ...
Flexible Microactuator FMA from Tokyo University is being shown in this video. It is driven by ...
Chaperons are proteins that assist the covalent folding or unfolding and the assembly or ...
Origin of life and living matter in hot mineral water, Prof. I. Ignatov, Dr. O. Mosin. Water ...
OUTER HAIR CELLS can contract, and therefore act as motor units that amplify the movement of the ...
There are lots of different elements in the universe but how are they created from nothing? This ...
The hearing organ, cochlea which is the auditory portion of the inner ear. It is a spiral-shaped ...
Dr.Michio Kaku got frustrated at one point and admits america has a secret super weapon which is ...
Ataxia is a non-specific clinical manifestation implying dysfunction of the parts of the nervous ...
Diseases that are naturally transmitted from warm-blooded animals to humans are called zoonotic ...
Malaria is a dangerous disease and it should be known how it is spread from human to another ...
These new medical inventions could save your life when it is necessary . These highly advanced ...
MRI is a noninvasive medical test that physicians use to diagnose and treat medical conditions. ...