Using Drones to Plant 1 Billion Trees Per Year

One of the biggest challenges for reforestation was the expense and time required for the manual labor of planting one tree at time. When contemplating the challenges of this dilemma, former NASA engineer Lauren Fletcher had an “a-ha” moment that may in fact relieve the impending doom of climate change. Yes, that sounds a bit over dramatic, but the implications for this are truly on that big of a scale. With the use of the quickly improving drone technology, we are now able to plant trees with greater efficiency then ever thought possible./nThis is how it works:/nBioCarbon’s drones do a fly-over of the deforested area and map the area to provide feedback BioCarbon determines the reforestation potential based on the data collected by the surveillance drone Pre-germinated seeds are coated in a hydrogel of nutrients to increase the probability of successful “in-ground germination” The seeds are loaded into the drones and prepared to take flight The drone flies at a height of 2-3 meters over the pre-mapped area while firing the seed pods at a velocity high enough to sink them into the soil.

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Tags: drone plant trees

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 08-04-2015.

Duration: 3m 33s