How did they cloned Dolly the sheep ?

This video shows how they cloned Dolly the sheep. "A video on how they cloned dolly the sheep and her life (i reccomend viewing in fullscreen and 480p (high Quality) because the text may be too small. (sorry if the captions for Spanish aren't correct) (Lo siento si los títulos españoles son incorrectos) Hindi is only available in interactive transcript (below) हिन्दी केवल इंटरैक्टिव प्रतिलिपि में उपलब्ध (नीचे है) I apologise if any of the captions/subtitles in foreign languages are incorrect. Please inform me if you see any mistakes. Thanks for watching, Annaorm =D"

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Channels: Genetics

Tags: How they cloned Dolly the sheep

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 11-10-2012.

Duration: 4m 58s