Spinning match table trick video

This video provides an information about spinning match table trick sick science #106. "Read the full experiment at http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/spinning-match-table-trick When you cautiously balance a matchstick on the rim of a coin that has also been precariously balanced onto another coin, it might sound like rotating the matchstick will cause it all to come tumbling down. We'll show how this isn't just possible, it's downright cool. Want more experiments like this? Check out http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/product/naked-eggs-and-flying-potatoes Sick Science™ is a trademark of Steve Spangler, inc. © 2012 Steve Spangler Science all rights reserved"

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Channels: Interesting Science

Tags: Spinning match table trick

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 10-10-2012.

Duration: 0m 57s