Explanation of singing glasses toothpick mover

This video provides an information about singing glasses toothpick mover - sick science #063. "Learn more at http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/move-a-match-with-your-mind The ability to move an object with your mind is called telekinesis. Magicians and psychics claim to have this amazing ability... and you will too once you've learned the science secret behind the Sympathetic Match trick. If you like to annoy all of your dinner guests by running your finger along the rim of a wine glass to make it sing, you'll soon have your friends convinced that you can move objects with your mind! Want more experiments like this? Check out http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/product/naked-eggs-and-flying-potatoes Sick Science™ is a trademark of Steve Spangler, inc. © 2011 Steve Spangler Science all rights reserved"

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Channels: Interesting Science

Tags: Singing glasses toothpick mover

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 10-10-2012.

Duration: 0m 56s