Lec 14 - Biology 1B - Darwin and the Origin I

"Lec 14 - Biology 1B - Darwin and the Origin I"General Biology

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Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - Biology 1B

Lec 2 - Biology 1B

Lec 3 - Biology 1B

Lec 4 - Biology 1B -Population Dynamics

Lec 5 - Biology 1B - Interspecific Relationships

Lec 6 - Biology 1B - Community Ecology

Lec 7 - Biology 1B - Trophic Dynamics and Biogeography

Lec 8 - Biology 1B - Ecosystem Ecology

Lec 9 - Biology 1B - Global Ecology and Scientific Method

Lec 10 - Biology 1B - Paleoecology and Hominid Ecology

Lec 11 - Biology 1B -Ecology and the Environment

Lec 12 - Biology 1B - Behavioral Ecology

Lec 13 - Biology 1B -Conclusion

Lec 15- Biology 1B -Darwin and the Origin II

Lec 16 - Biology 1B - Population Genetics I

Lec 17 - Biology 1B - Population Genetics II

Lec 18 - Biology 1B - Population Genetics III

Lec 19 - Biology 1B - Natural Selection

Lec 20 - Biology 1B -The Advantage of Sex

Lec 21 - Biology 1B - Sexual Selection

Lec 22 - Biology 1B -Species and Speciation I

Lec 23 - Biology 1B - Species and Speciation II

Lec 24 - Biology 1B -Phylogenetics

Lec 25 - Biology 1B - Fossil Record

Lec 26 -Biology 1B - Human Evolution

Lec 27 - Biology 1B -Introduction to plants and fungi

Lec 28 - Biology 1B -Fungal diversity and reproduction

Lec 29 - Biology 1B - Importance of fungi - origins of ph

Lec 30 -Biology 1B -Diversity, reproduction, and import

Lec 31 - Biology 1B - Origin of land plants - bryophytes

Lec 32-Biology1B-Gymnosperm diversity and reproducti

Lec 33 - Biology 1B - Angiosperm flowers and pollination

Lec 34 - Biology 1B - Angiosperm reproduction and dispers

Lec 35 - Biology 1B - Angiosperm diversity, seed morpholo

Lec 36 - Biology 1B - Introduction to plant morphology an

Lec 37 - Biology 1B -Secondary growth of stems - the ro

Lec 38 - Biology 1B -Sap transport - light reception

Lec 39 - Biology 1B - Photoperiodism, plant hormones and

Lec Last - Biology 1B - Review