Examples-Water eCHEM 1A: Online General Chemistry College of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley http://chemistry.berkeley.edu/echem1a Curriculum and ChemQuizzes developed by Dr. Mark Kubinec and Professor Alexander Pines Chemical Demonstrations by Lonnie Martin Video Production by Jon Schainker and Scott Vento Developed with the support of The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation
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Channels: Chemistry (General)
Tags: Examples-Water
Uploaded by: berkeleyechem1a4 ( Send Message ) on 18-09-2012.
Duration: 2m 52s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of berkeley
Lec 1 - Titration of a Weak Acid
Lec 2 - Titration of a Weak Base
Lec 4 - Dilution of HCl (Quiz)
Lec 5 - Dilution of HAc (Quiz)
Lec 7 - pH at Equivalence Point (Quiz)
Lec 8 - Dissolving Mg(OH)2 (Quiz)
Lec 14 - Dilution Titration HNO3 (Quiz)
Lec 15 - Dilution Titration HAc (Quiz)
Lec 16 - Polyprotic Acids- Blood Buffer
Lec 18 - Amino Acid Effective Charge (Quiz)
Lec 22 - Carbonate at pH 7 (Quiz)
Lec 23 - Polyprotic Acids- Indicators
Lec 24 - Thymol Blue Transitions (Quiz)
Lec 25 - Predicting Acid Strength
Lec 26 - Free Energy of HBr vs. HF (Quiz 1)
Lec 27 - Free Energy of HBr vs. HF (Quiz 2)
Lec 28 - Carbo-base Strength (Quiz)
Lec 30 - Redox and Electrochemistry
Lec 31 - Standard Galvanic Cell
Lec 32 - Standard Reduction Potential I
Lec 33 - Standard Reduction Potential II
Lec 37 - Concentrating Cell (Quiz)
Lec 41 - Standard Reduction Potential
Lec 42 - Copper Metal in Nitric Acid
Lec 43 - Balancing Redox Equation
Lec 45 - Oxidation of Br vs. pH (Quiz)
Lec 48 - Bracketing Redox (Quiz)
Lec 49 - Concentration Cell II (Quiz)
Lec 50 - Spontaneous Plating (Quiz)
Lec 51 - Silver Christmas Tree
Lec 52 - Balancing Redox Equations (NB)
Lec 58 - Data and Order (Quiz)
Lec 59 - Characteristic Kinetic Plots
Lec 60 - Nuclear Kinetics (Quiz)
Lec 63 - Barking NO CS2 Tube Demo
Lec 64 - Bromination of Double Bond (Quiz)
Lec 66 - Kinetics and Temperature
Lec 67 - Kinetics vs. T (Quiz)
Lec 68 - Rates, Temp, K and Catalysis
Lec 69 - Lowest Activation Energy (Quiz)
Lec 72 - ATP and Thermophiles (Quiz)
Lec 75 - Mitochondrial pH (Quiz)