Lec 29 - Polyprotic (NB)

Polyprotic (NB)

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Channels: Chemistry (General)

Tags: Polyprotic (NB)

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Duration: 10m 0s

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This video is a part of a lecture series from of berkeley

Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - Titration of a Weak Acid

Lec 2 - Titration of a Weak Base

Lec 3 - Region A: 0.1M HAc

Lec 4 - Dilution of HCl (Quiz)

Lec 5 - Dilution of HAc (Quiz)

Lec 6 - Region C 0.1M Acetate

Lec 7 - pH at Equivalence Point (Quiz)

Lec 8 - Dissolving Mg(OH)2 (Quiz)

Lec 9 - Titration (NB)

Lec 10 - Region B [HA]/[A-]

Lec 11 - Buffer Range

Lec 12 - Basic Buffer (Quiz)

Lec 13 - Buffer Dry Ice

Lec 14 - Dilution Titration HNO3 (Quiz)

Lec 15 - Dilution Titration HAc (Quiz)

Lec 16 - Polyprotic Acids- Blood Buffer

Lec 17 - Amino Acid pKa

Lec 18 - Amino Acid Effective Charge (Quiz)

Lec 19 - Titration Demo 1

Lec 20 - Titration (NB)

Lec 21 - Polyprotic Acids

Lec 22 - Carbonate at pH 7 (Quiz)

Lec 23 - Polyprotic Acids- Indicators

Lec 24 - Thymol Blue Transitions (Quiz)

Lec 25 - Predicting Acid Strength

Lec 26 - Free Energy of HBr vs. HF (Quiz 1)

Lec 27 - Free Energy of HBr vs. HF (Quiz 2)

Lec 28 - Carbo-base Strength (Quiz)

Lec 30 - Redox and Electrochemistry

Lec 31 - Standard Galvanic Cell

Lec 32 - Standard Reduction Potential I

Lec 33 - Standard Reduction Potential II

Lec 34 - Cu in H2SO4 (Quiz)

Lec 35 - Zn in H2SO4 (Quiz)

Lec 36 - Oxidizing H2 (Quiz)

Lec 37 - Concentrating Cell (Quiz)

Lec 38 - Electrolysis

Lec 39 - Galvanic Cells (NB)

Lec 40 - Electrolysis (NB)

Lec 41 - Standard Reduction Potential

Lec 42 - Copper Metal in Nitric Acid

Lec 43 - Balancing Redox Equation

Lec 44 - Nernst Equation

Lec 45 - Oxidation of Br vs. pH (Quiz)

Lec 46 - Examples-Iron

Lec 47 - Examples-Water

Lec 48 - Bracketing Redox (Quiz)

Lec 49 - Concentration Cell II (Quiz)

Lec 50 - Spontaneous Plating (Quiz)

Lec 51 - Silver Christmas Tree

Lec 52 - Balancing Redox Equations (NB)

Lec 53 - Rate Laws

Lec 54 - Initial Rate (Quiz)

Lec 55 - Rate Order (Quiz)

Lec 56 - 1st Order Rate Laws

Lec 57 - 2nd Order Rate Laws

Lec 58 - Data and Order (Quiz)

Lec 59 - Characteristic Kinetic Plots

Lec 60 - Nuclear Kinetics (Quiz)

Lec 61 - Reaction Profile

Lec 62 - Rates of Reaction

Lec 63 - Barking NO CS2 Tube Demo

Lec 64 - Bromination of Double Bond (Quiz)

Lec 65 - Reaction Rates

Lec 66 - Kinetics and Temperature

Lec 67 - Kinetics vs. T (Quiz)

Lec 68 - Rates, Temp, K and Catalysis

Lec 69 - Lowest Activation Energy (Quiz)

Lec 70 - Largest K (Quiz)

Lec 71 - ATP as an Acid

Lec 72 - ATP and Thermophiles (Quiz)

Lec 73 - Catabolic Redox I

Lec 74 - Catabolic Redox II

Lec 75 - Mitochondrial pH (Quiz)

Lec 76 - ATP and Metabolism

Lec 77 - Biological Energy Efficiency (Quiz)

Lec 78 - Protein Synthesis (Quiz)