Lec 21 - Biology 1A - Lecture 22: Mendelian inheritance in humans; 1 gene = 1 enzyme

Biology 1A - Lecture 22: Mendelian inheritance in humans; 1 gene = 1 enzyme General Biology Lecture

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Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - Biology 1A - Lecture 1: Course introduction - macromolecules

Lec 2 - Biology 1A - Lecture 2: Structure and function: lipids, carb

Lec 3 - Biology 1A - Lecture 3: Cell structure and organization - 1

Lec 4 - Biology 1A - Lecture 4: Cell structure and organization - 2

Lec 5 - Biology 1A - Lecture 5: Biological membranes-structure and f

Lec 6 - Biology 1A - Lecture 6: Cellular metabolism and catalysts

Lec 7 - Biology 1A - Lecture 7: Enzyme Structure and Function

Lec 8 - Biology 1A - Lecture 8: Regulation of Enzymatic Activity

Lec 9 - Biology 1A - Lecture 10: Cellular Energy Production - Anaero

Lec 10 - Biology 1A - Lecture 11: Celllular Energy Production - Aerob

Lec 11 - Biology 1A - Lecture 12: Photosynthesis- The Light Reactions

Lec 12 - Biology 1A - Lecture 13: Photosynthesis- Carbon Fixing

Lec 13 - Biology 1A - Lecture 14: DNA: the genetic material

Lec 14 - Biology 1A - Lecture 15: DNA: structure and replication

Lec 15 - Biology 1A - Lecture 16: DNA: replication, PCR, forensics

Lec 16 - Biology 1A - Lecture 17: Mitosis

Lec 17 - Biology 1A - Lecture 18: Mendelian genetics

Lec 18 - Biology 1A - Lecture 19: Meiosis, genes, alleles, traits

Lec 19 - Biology 1A - Lecture 20: Quantitative traits; Drosophila genetics

Lec 20 - Biology 1A - Lecture 21: Linkage; human biochemical genetics

Lec 22 - Biology 1A - Lecture 23: Gene expression

Lec 23 - Biology 1A - Lecture 24: Mutations; genome control

Lec 24 - Biology 1A - Lecture 25: Cancer - a real-world example

Lec 25 - Biology 1A - Lecture 27: Multi-cellularity

Lec 26 - Biology 1A - Lecture 28: Homeostasis and feedback mechanisms

Lec 27 - Biology 1A - Lecture 29: Hormones, Receptors, and the Endocr

Lec 28 - Biology 1A - Lecture 30: Reproductive System - Part I

Lec 29 - Biology 1A - Lecture 31: Reproductive system-Part II

Lec 30 - Biology 1A - Lecture 32: Fertilization, Stem cells, embryoge

Lec 31 - Biology 1A - Lecture 33: Developmental strategies and mechan

Lec 32 - Biology 1A - Lecture 34: Developmental strategies and mechan

Lec 33 - Biology 1A - Lecture 26: Mutations in the human genome; epigenetics

Lec 34 - Biology 1A - Lecture 35: Digestive System

Lec 35 - Biology 1A - Lecture 37: Respiratory system, Excretory syste

Lec 36 - Biology 1A - Lecture 38: Immune system, Cancer and Strategie

Lec 37 - Biology 1A - Lecture 36:Circulatory system-cell types and fu