Economics C3 - Lecture 10: Regulation and Antitrust Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy
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Channels: Economics
Tags: Economics C3 - Lecture 10: Regulation and Antitrust
Uploaded by: berkeleyeconomys ( Send Message ) on 18-09-2012.
Duration: 79m 50s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of berkeley
Lec 1 - Economics C3 - Lecture 3: Supply and Demand
Lec 2 - Economics C3 - Lecture 4: Elasticity
Lec 3 - Economics C3 - Lecture 5: Governmental Intervention
Lec 4 - Economics C3 - Lecture 6: Markets and Welfare
Lec 5 - Economics C3 - Lecture 7: Costs
Lec 6 - Economics C3 - Lecture 8: Competitive Market - 50 minutes of
Lec 7 - Economics C3 - Lecture 9: Monopoly - one hour of lecture ava
Lec 9 - Economics C3 - Lecture 11: Externalities
Lec 10 - Economics C3 - Lecture 13: Social vs. Private Cost
Lec 11 - Economics C3 - Lecture 14: Revealed Preference Methods
Lec 12 - Economics C3 - Lecture 15: Stated Preference Methods
Lec 13 - Economics C3 - Lecture 16: Air Pollution
Lec 14 - Economics C3 - Lecture 17: Property Rights and Externalities
Lec 15 - Economics C3 - Lecture 18: Benefit-Cost Analysis
Lec 16 - Economics C3 - Lecture 19: Government Policies for Environme
Lec 17 - Economics C3 - Lecture 20: Depletable Resources
Lec 18 - Economics C3 - Lecture 21: Water and Water Pollution
Lec 19 - Economics C3 - Lecture 23: Forests
Lec 20 - Economics C3 - Lecture 22: Agriculture - Approximately 40 mi
Lec 21 - Economics C3 - Lecture 24: Fisheries
Lec 22 - Economics C3 - Lecture 25: Energy
Lec 23 - Economics C3 - Lecture 26: Recyclable Resources