Public Health 250B - Lecture 14: Bias - confounding Epidemiologic Methods II
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Channels: Healthcare Management
Tags: Public Health 250B - Lecture 14: Bias - confounding
Uploaded by: berkeleypublic ( Send Message ) on 18-09-2012.
Duration: 85m 25s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of berkeley
Lec 1 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 1: Basic concepts, causality
Lec 2 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 2: Causality, measures of dise
Lec 3 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 3: Measures of disease
Lec 4 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 4: Measures of association
Lec 5 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 5: Measures of association
Lec 6 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 6: Study design overview, cohor
Lec 7 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 9: Case-control
Lec 8 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 10: Case-control
Lec 9 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 11: Cross-sectional, ecological
Lec 10 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 12: Bias - information
Lec 11 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 13: Bias - selection
Lec 13 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 15: Bias - confounding, effect
Lec 14 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 16: Effect modification, matchi
Lec 15 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 17: Matching
Lec 16 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 18: Screening
Lec 17 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 19: Statistical inference, samp
Lec 18 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 20: Analyzing epidemiologic dat
Lec 19 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 21: Analyzing epidemiologic dat
Lec 20 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 22: LAB - analyzing epidemiolog
Lec 21 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 23: Meta analysis/systematic re
Lec 22 - Public Health 250B - Lecture 24: LAB - Meta analysis/sys rev