Lec 38 - Earth Formation

Earth Formation How the Earth is a the byproduct of a local supernova

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Channels: Physics (General)

Tags: Earth Formation

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 17-09-2012.

Duration: 10m 8s

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This video is a part of a lecture series from of khan

Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - Scale of Earth and Sun

Lec 2 - Scale of Solar System

Lec 3 - Scale of Distance to Closest Stars

Lec 4 - Scale of the Galaxy

Lec 5 - Intergalactic Scale

Lec 6 - Hubble Image of Galaxies

Lec 7 - Big Bang Introduction

Lec 8 - Radius of Observable Universe

Lec 9 - (Correction) Radius of Observable Universe

Lec 10 - Red Shift

Lec 11 - Cosmic Background Radiation

Lec 12 - Cosmic Background Radiation 2

Lec 13 - Cosmological Time Scale 1

Lec 14 - Cosmological Time Scale 2

Lec 15 - Four Fundamental Forces

Lec 16 - Birth of Stars

Lec 17 - Becoming a Red Giant

Lec 18 - White and Black Dwarfs

Lec 19 - A Universe Smaller than the Observable

Lec 20 - Star Field and Nebula Images

Lec 21 - Parallax in Observing Stars

Lec 22 - Stellar Parallax

Lec 23 - Stellar Distance Using Parallax

Lec 24 - Stellar Parallax Clarification

Lec 25 - Parsec Definition

Lec 26 - Hubble's Law

Lec 27 - Lifecycle of Massive Stars

Lec 28 - Supernova (Supernovae)

Lec 29 - Supernova clarification

Lec 30 - Black Holes

Lec 31 - Cepheid Variables 1

Lec 32 - Why Cepheids Pulsate

Lec 33 - Why Gravity Gets So Strong Near Dense Objects

Lec 34 - Supermassive Black Holes

Lec 35 - Quasars

Lec 36 - Quasar Correction

Lec 37 - Galactic Collisions

Lec 39 - Beginnings of Life

Lec 40 - Ozone Layer and Eukaryotes Show Up in the Proterozoic Eon

Lec 41 - Biodiversity Flourishes in Phanerozoic Eon

Lec 42 - First living things on land clarification

Lec 43 - Plate Tectonics-- Difference between crust and lithosphere

Lec 44 - Structure of the Earth

Lec 45 - Plate Tectonics -- Evidence of plate movement

Lec 46 - Plate Tectonics -- Geological Features of Divergent Plate Boundaries

Lec 47 - cPlate Tectonics-- Geological features of Convergent Plate Boundaries

Lec 48 - Plates Moving Due to Convection in Mantle

Lec 49 v- Hawaiian Islands Formation

Lec 50 - Compositional and Mechanical Layers of the Earth

Lec 51 - Seismic Waves

Lec 52 - Why S-Waves Only Travel in Solids

Lec 53 - Refraction of Seismic Waves

Lec 54 - The Mohorovicic Seismic Discontinuity

Lec 55 - How we know about the Earth's core

Lec 56 - Pangaea

Lec 57 - Scale of the Large

Lec 58 - cScale of the Small

Lec 59 - Detectable Civilizations in our Galaxy 1

Lec 60 - Detectable Civilizations in our Galaxy 2

Lec 61 - Detectable Civilizations in our Galaxy 3

Lec 62 - Detectable Civilizations in our Galaxy 4

Lec 63 - Detectable Civilizations in our Galaxy 5

Lec 64 - Human Evolution Overview

Lec 65 - Understanding Calendar Notation

Lec 66 - Correction Calendar Notation

Lec 67 - Development of Agriculture and Writing

Lec 68 - Introduction to Light

Lec 69 - Seasons Aren't Dictated by Closeness to Sun

Lec 70 - How Earth's Tilt Causes Seasons

Lec 71 - Milankovitch Cycles Precession and Obliquity

Lec 72 - Are Southern Hemisphere Seasons More Severe?

Lec 73 - Precession Causing Perihelion to Happen Later

Lec 74 - What Causes Precession and Other Orbital Changes

Lec 75 - Apsidal Precession (Perihelion Precession) and Milankovitch Cycles

Lec 76 - Firestick Farming

Lec 77 - Carbon 14 Dating 1

Lec 78 - Carbon 14 Dating 2

Lec 79 - Potassium-Argon (K-Ar) Dating

Lec 80 - K-Ar Dating Calculation

Lec 81 - Chronometric Revolution

Lec 82 - Collective Learning

Lec 83 - Land Productivity Limiting Human Population

Lec 84 - Energy Inputs for Tilling a Hectare of Land

Lec 85 - Random Predictions for 2060