"Lec 11- Electrical Engineering C245 - Energy Methods IIntroduction to MEMS Design
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Channels: Electrical engineering
Tags: Lec 11- Electrical Engineering C245 - Energy Methods I
Uploaded by: berkeleyelecengC ( Send Message ) on 15-09-2012.
Duration: 81m 45s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of berkeley
Lec 1 - Electrical Engineering C245 -Introduction
Lec 2 - Electrical Engineering C245 -Benefits of Scaling
Lec 3 - Electrical Engineering C245 -Benefits of Scaling
Lec 4- Electrical Engineering C245 - Benefits of Scaling
Lec 5 - Electrical Engineering C245 -Fabrication Process
Lec 6 -Electrical Engineering C245 - Surface Micromachin
Lec 7 - Electrical Engineering C245 - Surface Micromachin
Lec 8 - Electrical Engineering C245 - Bulk Micromachinin
Lec 9 - Electrical Engineering C245 - Mechanics of Mater
Lec 10 - Electrical Engineering C245 - Mechanics of Mater
Lec 12 - Electrical Engineering C245 - Energy Methods II
Lec 13 - Electrical Engineering C245 - Equivalent Circuit
Lec 14- Electrical Engineering C245 -Lossless Transduce
Lec 15 - Electrical Engineering C245 -Lossless Transduce
Lec 16 - Electrical Engineering C245 - Equivalent Circuit
Lec 17 - Electrical Engineering C245 -Equivalent Circuit
Lec 18- Electrical Engineering C245 - Sensing Circuits I
Lec 19- Electrical Engineering C245 - Sensing Circuits I
Lec 20 - Electrical Engineering C245 - Sensing Circuits I
Lec 21 - Electrical Engineering C245 - Sensor Resolution
Lec 22 - Electrical Engineering C245 - Sensor Resolution
Lec 23 - Electrical Engineering C245 -MEMS-Transistor In
Lec 24 - Electrical Engineering C245 - Surface Micromachin
Lec Last - Electrical Engineering C245 - Surface Micromachin