"Lec 10 - Computer Science 10 - Social Implications I"The Beauty and Joy of Computing
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Channels: Computer Science
Tags: Lec 10 - Computer Science 10 - Social Implications I
Uploaded by: berkeleycompsc10 ( Send Message ) on 14-09-2012.
Duration: 52m 6s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Berkeley
Lec 1 -Computer Science 10 -Abstraction
Lec 2 - Computer Science 10 - 3D Graphics
Lec 3 - Computer Science 10 - Video Games
Lec 4 - Computer Science 10 - Programming Paradigms
Lec 5 - Computer Science 10 - TA Luke Segars - Algorithms
Lec 6-* Computer Science 10 - Algorithms II
Lec 7 - Computer Science 10 - Cnocurrency
Lec 8 - Computer Science 10 - Recursion I
Lec 11 Computer Science 10 - Recursion II
Lec 12- Computer Science 10 - : Social Implications II
Lec 13- Computer Science 10 -Raffi Krikorian: How Twitt
Lec 14- Computer Science 10 - Prof. Björn Hartmann - HC
Lec 15- Computer Science 10 - Lambda - HOFs I
Lec 16- Computer Science 10 - TA Navin Eluthesen - Lambd
Lec 17 - Computer Science 10 - Distributed Computing
Lec 18 - Computer Science 10 - Prof. Armando Fox - Cloud
Lec 19 - Computer Science 10 - Artificial Intelligence
Lec 20 - Computer Science 10 - Game Theory
Lec 21 Computer Science 10 - Limits of Computing
Lec 22 Computer Science 10 - Lecture 27: Future of Computing