Lec 9 - Commodity and Commonweal: Economic and Social Problems, 1520-1560"Early Modern England: Politics, Religion, and Society under the Tudors and Stuarts (HIST 251) Professor Wrightson surveys the changing economic landscape of early modern England in the early sixteenth century. He notes that, throughout the period, population levels rose and, at the same time, inflation caused a rise in prices, and real wages fell. While many landowners were able to raise rents on their lands and profit from enclosing land, and many yeoman farmers prospered, these trends also resulted in a measure of social dislocation and a growth in poverty and vagrancy. Moral outrage at these developments was voiced by the so-called Commonwealth's Men, and popular discontent resulted in large scale rebellions, such as the Pilgrimage of Grace and Kett's Rebellion. Professor Wrightson ends by discussing the economic thought of Sir Thomas Smith, which influenced government initiatives to combat these problems. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Rising Prices and Population 04:45 - Chapter 2. Landlords and the Peasantry 21:14 - Chapter 3. Poverty 26:29 - Chapter 4. The Commonwealth's Men Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2009.
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Channels: Sociology
Tags: Commodity Commonweal Economic Social Problems
Uploaded by: yaleearlymodeng ( Send Message ) on 13-09-2012.
Duration: 46m 42s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Yale
Lec 2 -The Tree of Commonwealth
Lec 3 - Households: Structures, Priorities, Strategies, Roles
Lec 4 - Communities: Key Institutions and Relationships
Lec 6 - The Structures of Power
Lec 7 - Late Medieval Religion and Its Critics
Lec 8 -Reformation and Division, 1530-1558
Lec 10 -The Elizabethan Confessional State: Conformity, Papists and Puritans
Lec 12 -Economic Expansion, 1560-1640
Lec 13 - A Polarizing Society, 1560-1640
Lec 17 - Education and Literacy
Lec 18 -Street Wars of Religion: Puritans and Arminians
Lec 19 -Crown and Political Nation, 1604-1640
Lec 20 -Constitutional Revolution and Civil War, 1640-1646
Lec 21 - Regicide and Republic, 1647-1660
Lec 22 - An Unsettled Settlement: The Restoration Era, 1660-1688
Lec 23 - England, Britain, and the World: Economic Development, 1660-1720