Lec 2 - Sex and Violence Among the Apes

"Lec 2 - Sex and Violence Among the Apes" Global Problems of Population Growth (MCDB 150) Chimpanzee males compete for position in a dominance hierarchy; status often depends on support from other members, including females, of the group. High ranking males have much greater sexual access to females in estrus. Males control females by physical violence and intimidation. Chimpanzees also engage in purposeful raids to kill members of other chimpanzee groups. This inter-group violence can help explain intra-group violence. To fend off attack from other groups, males must remain in groups and that requires males to compete for mating opportunities within the community. Competition for the scarce resource, eggs, leads to male-male violence and male coercion of females. If the alpha male monopolized all reproductive potential, then evolution would push non-dominant males to either fight continually for dominance or to leave the group and find females elsewhere. The chimpanzee solution is to allow all males some (though very unequal) reproductive possibility. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction and Review of Lecture 1 07:58 - Chapter 2. Sexuality Orangutans 10:44 - Chapter 3. Sex and Violence in Chimpanzees 33:32 - Chapter 4. Sexual and Social Systems of Bonobos 38:01 - Chapter 5. Battering in Humans and Chimpanzees 45:06 - Chapter 6. Jane Goodall and Inter-Group Chimpanzee Violence 59:22 - Chapter 7. More Data on Violence in Chimpanzees Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Spring 2009.

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Duration: 72m 54s

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