"Lec 3 - Molecules, Movement, and Motors: Anna C. Balazs and Larry S.B. Goldstein - Radcliffe Institute" "Using Chemical Gradients as Motors to Propel Biomimetic Cells and Worms" by Anna C. Balazs (University of Pittsburgh), introduced by Dimitar Sasselov (Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study and Harvard University) "Molecular Motors in Axonal Transport" by Larry S.B. Goldstein (University of California at San Diego and Howard Hughes Medical Institute), introduced by Elizabeth Engle (Children's Hospital Boston and Howard Hughes Medical Institute)
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Channels: Molecular Genetics
Tags: Lec 3 - Molecules, Movement, and Motors: Anna C. Balazs and Larry S.B. Goldstein - Radcliffe Institute
Uploaded by: harvardmmm ( Send Message ) on 12-09-2012.
Duration: 99m 47s
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