"Lec 16 - Bleaching of Vital Tetracycline Stained Teeth" Detailed demonstration of the current method used to bleach normal, healthy, vital teeth that have been stained during the calcification period by the tetracycline drugs. Orig. air date: FEB 26 75 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education
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Channels: Medical
Tags: Lec 16 - Bleaching of Vital Tetracycline Stained Teeth
Uploaded by: michiganendodon ( Send Message ) on 11-09-2012.
Duration: 22m 1s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan
Lec 1 - Endodontic Surgery: Hemisection
Lec 3 - Dental Anatomy and Endodontics
Lec 5 - Endodontic Cavity Preps Phase 1 - Occlusal & Lingual Opening
Lec 6 - Determining Length of Teeth - Quiz
Lec 7 - Endodontic Clinical Set-up
Lec 8 - Endodontic Rubber Dam Placement
Lec 9 - Endodontics Technique Course
Lec 11 - Endodontic Cavity Preparation - Phase I - Posterior
Lec 12 - Cleaning and Shaping Root Canal - Curved Canal
Lec 13 - Fitting the Master Gutta-Percha Cone
Lec 14 - Gutta Percha - Lateral Condensation
Lec 15 - Fitting the Silver Cone
Lec 17 - Intra-Canal Instruments
Lec 18 - Stabilization of Traumatically Injured Teeth
Lec 20 - Surface Disinfection of the Dental Operatory
Lec 21 - Endodontic Cavity Preparation
Lec 22 - Periapical Surgery: Muco-Periosteal Flap