"Lec 13 - Preliminary and Final Finishing of the Bridge" Rem. stabil. and fin. joints, occl. adj., refin. occ. adj., final polish, prelim. fin., occ. adj., refining occ. anat., final polish with handpiece,polish lathe. Orig. air date: AUG 26 87 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education
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Channels: Medical
Tags: Lec 13 - Preliminary and Final Finishing of the Bridge
Uploaded by: michiganpreclinc ( Send Message ) on 11-09-2012.
Duration: 38m 6s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan
Lec 1 - Trimming Dies, Duraly Cop., Occ.Reg.,Mounting the Case
Lec 2 - Application of Basic Instrumentation in Cavity Preparation
Lec 3 - Dental Cubicle, Pt. 1- The Dental Unit
Lec 5 - Investing and Soldering Gold Pontics
Lec 6 - Introduction to Waxing: Waxing Tooth Number Eight
Lec 7 - Introduction to Waxing: A Practice Exercise
Lec 8 - Investing the Three Unit Preclinical Bridge
Lec 9 - Rubber Base Impression - Sophmore Preclinical
Lec 10 - Making the Working Model with Removable Dies/Sophomore Preclinical
Lec 12 - Soldering Exercise - Sophmore Preclinical
Lec Last - The U of M Dental Cubicle: Introduction, Operation and Disinfection