"Lec 2 - Behavior Control During Anesthesia for the Child" Three children are given local anesthetic for operative procedure. Behavior control is demonstrated. Orig. air date: OCT 12 76 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education
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Channels: Medical
Tags: Lec 2 - Behavior Control During Anesthesia for the Child
Uploaded by: michiganpediaden ( Send Message ) on 11-09-2012.
Duration: 13m 24s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan
Lec 3 - Child's Clinical Record
Lec 4 - Lion Visits the Dentist
Lec 5 - Pedodontic X-Ray Series
Lec 6 - Placement of Rubber Dam in Pedodontics
Lec 7 - Rubber Dam Placement in Pedodontics
Lec 8 - Spot Welded Matrix Band Technique
Lec 9 - A Pre-School Child's First Dental Visit
Lec Last - Breaking the Barriers to Serving Patients with Handicaps