"Lec 7 - Ceramics" Fabrication of platinum matrix for PJC construction. Orig. air date: SEP 28 71 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan
Lec 2 - Mixing Rubber Base Impression Material
Lec 3 - Introduction to Amalgam - Capmaster Tytin
Lec 4 - Introduction to Amalgams
Lec 5 - Hand Investing Technique
Lec 6 - Casting Problems in Fabrication of Gold Pontics
Lec 8 - Manipulation of Dental Model Plaster
Lec 9 - Investing & Soldering Gold Castings
Lec 10 - Manipulation and Properties of Alginate Impression Material
Lec 11 - Cavity Varnish (Copalite) & Cement Base (Zinc Phosphate)
Lec 13 - Polycarboxylate Cement (Durelon)
Lec 14 - Silicone Impression Materials
Lec 15 - Alginate Impression Materials and Hand Spatulation
Lec 16 - Model Plaster - Vacuum Spatulation (Kerr Snow White #1)
Lec 17 - Composite Restorative Materials
Lec 18 - Preparation of Fynal Cement
Lec 19 - Preparation of Zinc Phosphate
Lec 20 - Basic Problems in Gold Castings
Lec 21 - Porcelain Fused to Gold Bond Strength
Lec 22 - Interim Dressing Ward's Tempak
Lec 23 - Impression Procedures for Stable Base Appliances
Lec 25 - Spruing, Investing and Casting Gold
Lec 26 - Epoxy Dies - The Die Material of the Future
Lec 27 - Zinc Oxide-Eugenol: Intermediate Restorative Material
Lec 28 - Characteristics and Manipulation of Cohesive Gold
Lec 29 - Investing Gold - Water Added Technique