Inflation & Deflation 3: Obama Stimulus Plan Is the stimulus large enough to offset the demand shock caused by the contraction in credit? Will it lead to inflation?
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Channels: Economics
Tags: Inflation & Deflation 3: Obama Stimulus Plan
Uploaded by: khaneconomics ( Send Message ) on 10-09-2012.
Duration: 13m 20s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of khan
Lec 1 - Economics of a Cupcake Factory
Lec 4 - Inflation, Deflation & Capacity Utilization
Lecc 5 - Inflation, Deflation & Capacity Utilization 2
Lec 9 -Simple Analysis of Cost per Job Saved from Stimulus
Lec 10 - Unemployment Rate Primer
Lec 11 - Floating Exchange Resolving Trade Imbalance
Lec 12 - China Pegs to Dollar to Keep Trade Imbalance
Lec 14 - Review of China US currency situation
Lec 15 - Data on Chinese M1 Increase in 2010
Lec 16 - Data on Chinese Foreign Assets Increase in 2010
Lec 17 - Data on Chinese US Balance of Payments