Lec 20 - Ideal Gas Equation Example 1

Ideal Gas Equation Example 1 Figuring out the number of moles of gas we have using the ideal gas equation: PV=nRT.

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Channels: Chemistry (General)

Tags: Ideal Gas Equation Example 1

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 10-09-2012.

Duration: 10m 8s

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Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - Elements and Atoms

Lec 2 - Introduction to the atom

Lec 3 - Orbitals

Lec 4 - More on orbitals and electron configuration

Lec 5 - Electron Configurations

Lec 6 - Electron Configurations 2

Lec 7 - Valence Electrons

Lec 8 - Groups of the Periodic Table

Lec 9 - Periodic Table Trends: Ionization Energy

Lec 10 - Other Periodic Table Trends

Lec 11 - Ionic, Covalent, and Metallic Bonds

Lec 12 - Molecular and Empirical Formulas

Lec 13 - The Mole and Avogadro's Number

Lec 14 - Formula from Mass Composition

Lec 15 - Another mass composition problem

Lec 16 - Balancing Chemical Equations

Lec 17 - Stoichiometry

Lec 18 - Stoichiometry: Limiting Reagent

Lec 19 - Ideal Gas Equation: PV=nRT

Lec 21 - Ideal Gas Equation Example 2

Lec 22 - Ideal Gas Equation Example 3

Lec 23 - Ideal Gas Example 4

Lec 24 - Partial Pressure

Lec 25 - States of Matter

Lec 26 - States of Matter Follow-Up

Lec 27 - Specific Heat, Heat of Fusion and Vaporization

Lec 28 - Chilling Water Problem

Lec 29 - Phase Diagrams

Lec 30 - Van Der Waals Forces

Lec 31 - Covalent Networks, Metallic, and Ionic Crystals

Lec 32 - Vapor Pressure

Lec 33 - Suspensions, Colloids and Solutions

Lec 34 - Solubility

Lec 35 - Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Supression

Lec 36 - Introduction to Kinetics

Lec 37 - Reactions in Equilibrium

Lec 38 - Mini-Video on Ion Size

Lec 39 - Keq Intuition (mathy and not necessary to progress)

Lec 40 - Keq derivation intuition (can skip; bit mathy)

Lec 41 - Heterogenous Equilibrium

Lec 42 - Le Chatelier's Principle

Lec 43 - Introduction to pH, pOH, and pKw

Lec 44 - Acid Base Introduction

Lec 45 - pH, pOH of Strong Acids and Bases

Lec 46 - pH of a Weak Acid

Lec 47 - pH of a Weak Base

Lec 48 - Conjugate Acids and Bases

Lec 49 - pKa and pKb Relationship

Lec 50 - Buffers and Hendersen-Hasselbalch

Lec 51 - Strong Acid Titration

Lec 52 - Weak Acid Titration

Lec 53 - Half Equivalence Point

Lec 54 - Titration Roundup

Lec 55 - Introduction to Oxidation States

Lec 56 - More on Oxidation States

Lec 57 - Hydrogen Peroxide Correction

Lec 58 - Redox Reactions

Lec 59 - Galvanic Cells

Lec 60 - Types of Decay

Lec 61 - Half-Life

Lec 62- Exponential Decay Formula Proof (can skip, involves Calculus)

Lec 63 - Introduction to Exponential Decay

Lec 64 - More Exponential Decay Examples

Lec 65 - Macrostates and Microstates

Lec 66 - Quasistatic and Reversible Processes

Lec 67 - First Law of Thermodynamics/ Internal Energy

Lec 68 - More on Internal Energy

Lec 69 - Work from Expansion

Lec 70 - PV-diagrams and Expansion Work

Lec 71 - Proof: U=(3/2)PV or U=(3/2)nRT

Lec 72 - Work Done by Isothermic Process

Lec 73 - Carnot Cycle and Carnot Engine

Lec 74 - Proof: Volume Ratios in a Carnot Cycle

Lec 75 - Proof: S (or Entropy) is a valid state variable

Lec 76 - Thermodynamic Entropy Definition Clarification

Lec 77 - Reconciling Thermodynamic and State Definitions of Entropy

Lec 78 - Entropy Intuition

Lec 79 - Maxwell's Demon

Lec 80 - More on Entropy

Lec 81 - Efficiency of a Carnot Engine

Lec 82 - Carnot Efficiency 2: Reversing the Cycle

Lec 83 - Carnot Efficiency 3: Proving that it is the most efficient

Lec 84 - Enthalpy

Lec 85 - Heat of Formation

Lec 86 - Hess's Law and Reaction Enthalpy Change

Lec 87 - Gibbs Free Energy and Spontaneity

Lec 88 - Gibbs Free Energy Example

Lec 89 - More rigorous Gibbs Free Energy/ Spontaneity Relationship

Lec 90 - A look at a seductive but wrong Gibbs/Spontaneity Proof

Lec 91 - Stoichiometry Example Problem 1

Lec 92 - Stoichiometry Example Problem 2

Lec 93 - Limiting Reactant Example Problem 1

Lec 94 - Empirical and Molecular Formulas from Stoichiometry

Lec 95 - Example of Finding Reactant Empirical Formula

Lec 96 - Stoichiometry of a Reaction in Solution

Lec 97 - Another Stoichiometry Example in a Solution

Lec 98 - Molecular and Empirical Forumlas from Percent Composition

Lec 99 - Acid Base Titration

Lec 100 - Spectrophotometry Introduction

Lec 101 - Spectrophotometry Example