Lec 37 - Laplace Transform of t^n: L{t^n}

Laplace Transform of t^n: L{t^n} Laplace Transform of t^n: L{t^n}

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Channels: Mathematics

Tags: Laplace Transform of t^n: L{t^n}

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 10-09-2012.

Duration: 10m 16s

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This video is a part of a lecture series from of khan

Lecture list for this course

GMAT Data Sufficiency 41

Lec - 1 What is a differential equation

Lec 2 - Separable Differential Equations

Lec 3 - Separable differential equations 2

Lec 4 - Exact Equations Intuition 1 (proofy)

Lec 5 - Exact Equations Intuition 2 (proofy)

Lec 6 - Exact Equations Example 1

Lec 7 - Exact Equations Example 2

Lec 8 - Exact Equations Example 3

Lec 9 - Integrating factors 1

Lec 10 - Integrating factors 2

Lec 11 - First order homegenous equations

Lec 12 - First order homogenous equations 2

Lec 13 - 2nd Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations 1

Lec 14 - 2nd Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations 2

Lec 15 - 2nd Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations 3

Lec 16 - 2nd Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations 4

Lec 17 - Complex roots of the characteristic equations 1

Lec 18 - Complex roots of the characteristic equations 2

Lec 19 - Complex roots of the characteristic equations 3

Lec 20 - Repeated roots of the characteristic equation

Lec 21 - Repeated roots of the characterisitic equations part 2

Lec 22 - Undetermined Coefficients 1

Lec 23 - Undetermined Coefficients 2

Lec 24 - Undetermined Coefficients 3

Lec 25 - Undetermined Coefficients 4

Lec 26 - Laplace Transform 1

Lec 27 - Laplace Transform 2

Lec 28 - Laplace Transform 3 (L{sin(at)})

Lec 29 - Laplace Transform 4

Lec 30 - Laplace Transform 5

Laplace transform of cosine and polynomials

Lec 31 - Laplace Transform 6

Lec 32 - Laplace Transform to solve an equation

Lec 33 - Laplace Transform solves an equation 2

Lec 34 - More Laplace Transform tools

Lec 35 - Using the Laplace Transform to solve a nonhomogenous eq

Lec 36 - Laplace Transform of : L{t}

Lec 38 - Laplace Transform of the Unit Step Function

Lec 39 - Inverse Laplace Examples

Lec 40 - Laplace/Step Function Differential Equation

Lec 41 - Dirac Delta Function

Lec 42 - Laplace Transform of the Dirac Delta Function

Lec 43 - Introduction to the Convolution

Lec 44 - The Convolution and the Laplace Transform

Lec 45 - Using the Convolution Theorem to Solve an Initial Value Prob