"Lec 30 -Gross Anatomy: TMJ, Pterygoid Muscles, Maxillary Vessels"The gross anatomy and dissection of the temporomandibular joint, pterygoid muscles, and the maxillary vessels of a human cadaver. Orig. air date: JUL 1 74 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan
Lec 1 -The Neurovascular Supply of the Mid-Face
Lec 2 -Dissection: Vertebral Column, Spinal Cord/Coverings
Lec 3 Dissection: Thorax; Pleura and Superior Mediastinum
Lec 4 -Dissection: Thoracic Contents
Lec 5-Dissection: Human Skull - Part III
Lec 6 Dissection: Human Skull - Part II
Lec 7 -Dissection: Human Skull - Part I
Lec 8 -Dissection: Parotid Gland; Blood Vessels of the Face
Lec 9 -Dissection: The Mediastinum and Heart
Lec 10 -Dissection: Masticator and Lateral Pharyngeal Spaces
Lec 11 -Dissection: Lateral Aspect of Face; Facial Nerve
Lec 13 Dissection: Facial Muscles
Lec 14 Dissection of Acellular Basement Membrane
Lec 15 -Dissection: Superficial Cervical Region and Posterior Triangle of Neck
Lec 16 -Dissection: Cutaneous Innervation of the Face
Lec 17 Dissection: Axillary Contents
lec 18 -Gross Anatomy: Cutaneous Nerves of the Back
Lec 19 -Gross Anatomy: Cranial Meninges, Dural Venous Sinuses and Cerebrospinal Fluid
Lec 20 -Gross Anatomy: Cranial Meninges, Dural Venous Sinuses and Cerebrospinal Fluid
Lec 21 -Gross Anatomy: Cranial Meninges, Dural Venous Sinuses and Cerebrospinal Fluid
lec 22-Gross Anatomy: Anterior Triangles of Neck
Lec 23- Gross Anatomy: Subclavian Artery and Visceral Section of Neck
Lec 24 -Gross Anatomy: Superficial and Deep Back Muscles
Lec 25 -Gross Anatomy: Scalp and Cranial Contents
Lec 26 Gross Anatomy: Superficial Abdominal Wall
Lec 27 -Gross Anatomy: Abdominal Wall and Fasciae; Thoracic Wall
Lec 28 -Gross Anatomy: External Carotid Artery - Retrostyloid Region
Lec 29 -Gross Anatomy: Middle Ear Cavity
Lec 31 -Gross Anatomy: Nerve Supply to Teeth; Maxillary Sinus
Lec 32 -Gross Anatomy: Suprahyoid Region; Mouth/Paralingual Space
Lec 34- Gross Anatomy: Muscles of Mastication and the TMJ
Lec 35 Gross Anatomy: The Intratemporal Fossa
Lec 36 -Gross Anatomy: Lateral Pharyngeal Wall
Lec 38- Gross Anatomy: Nasal Cavity
Lec 39 -Gross Anatomy: Hard and Soft Palate and Fauces
Lec 40 -Gross Anatomy: Lateral Aspect of the Face
Lec 41 -Gross Anatomy: Cutaneous innervation of the face
LEc 42 -Gross Anatomy: Submandibular, submental and carotid triangles
Lec 43 -Gross Anatomy: Paralingual space and tongue
LEC 45 -Disssection: Human Skull - Part V
leC 46-Review of Gross Anatomy for the National Boards - Part II
LEc 47 -Review of Gross Anatomy for the National Boards - Part I