"Lec 97 - Rubber Base Impression, Duralay Coping, Removable Dies" The procedure for taking a rubber base impression of a mandible in preparation for a three unit bridge; Duralay copings and a stone cast are made. Orig. air date: JUL 31 75 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education
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Channels: Medical
Tags: Lec 97 - Rubber Base Impression, Duralay Coping, Removable Dies
Uploaded by: michiganprosthoh ( Send Message ) on 09-09-2012.
Duration: 15m 13s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan
Lec 2 - Articulator Demonstration
Lec 4 - Arrangement of Anterior Denture Teeth
Lec 5 - Denture Fabrication: Arrangement of the Anterior Teeth
Lec 6 - Retainers for Fixed Bridges
Lec 7 - Boxing Complete Dentures - Pumice and Plaster Impression
Lec 8 - Partial Denture Treatment Planning
Lec 9 - Multiple Techniques For A Posterior Three Unit Bridge
Lec 10 - Setting Posterior 20 Versus 0 Degree Artificial Teeth
Lec 11 - Design of a Class II Removable Partial Denture
Lec 12 - Selecting and Preserving the Path of Insertion and Removal
Lec 13 - Fabrication of Remount Casts
Lec 15 - Rotational Path Concept in Removable Partial Dentures
Lec 16 - Functionally Generated Path for Removable Partial Denture
Lec 17 - Setting Maxillary Anterior Teeth
Lec 18 - Preliminary Exam and Procedures for Diagnosis
Lec 19 - Maxillary Sectional Tray Construction (Clinic)
Lec 21 - Unilateral Pin Ledge Preparation
Lec 22 - Mucostatic Impression
Lec 23 - Polishing of a Pin Facing
Lec 24 - Pontics for Fixed Prosthesis
Lec 25 - Treating Palatopharyngeal Inadequacy - A Cooperative Approach
Lec 26 - Boxing Maxillary Final Impression
Lec 27 - Custom Acrylic Resin Impression Tray Fabrication
Lec 28 - Cementing of an Anterior Pin Ledge Bridge
Lec 29 - Customized Incisal Guide
Lec 30 - Remounting the Processed Complete Denture
Lec 32 - Maxillary Immediate Complete Denture
Lec 33 - Sectional Tray Construction for Maxillary Immediate Denture
Lec 35 - Anterior Bridge Preparation and Cementation
Lec 36 - Steele's Flatback Pontic
Lec 37 - Porcelain Fused-to-Gold Veneer
Lec 38 - Sequencing Laboratory Procedures for Class IV Cases
Lec 39 - Anterior Multiple Preps
Lec 40 - Correctable Wax Impression
Lec 41 - Pre-Delivery Adjustment of Casting
Lec 42 - Soldering, Finishing, and Polishing an Anterior Bridge
Lec 43 - Clinical Procedures in Bridge Construction
Lec 44 - Presolder Pontic, Finishing, Soldering and Polishing
Lec 45 - Formatray Construction - Posterior Bridge
Lec 46 - Functional Waxing Procedure for Mandibular Technique Bridge
Lec 47 - Laboratory Procedures for Master Models and Dies
Lec 48 - Temporaries and Temporization
Lec 49 - Delivery of Immediate Maxillary Complete Denture
Lec 51 - Waxing the Complete Denture
Lec 52 - Preparation of Immediate Denture for Delivery
Lec 53 - Finishing and Polishing the Complete Denture
Lec 54 - Setting Mandibular Anterior Teeth
Lec 55 - Setting Posterior Teeth
Lec 56 - Pouring Models and Trimming Final Casts
Lec 57 - Mandibular Wax Occlusal Rim
Lec 58 - Requirements of a Master Cast
Lec 59 - Correcting the Master Cast
Lec 60 - Constructing a Partial Denture Part I - Occlusal Path Record
Lec 61-Constructing a Removable Partial Denture Part III
Lec 62-Mouth Preparation Procedures
Lec 63-Impression and Preparation of Master Cast for the Lab
Lec 64-Unilateral Pinledge Preparation
Lec 65-Constructing a Partial Denture Part II - Occlusal Template
Lec 66-Denture Prosthodontic Presentation
Lec 67-Anterior Three-Quarter Crown Preparation
Lec 68-Setting Posterior Teeth for Immediate Maxillary Denture
Lec 69-Setting Anterior Teeth for Immediate Maxillary Denture
Lec 70-Edentulous Maxillary Alginate Impression Technique
Lec 71- Trimming the Edentulous Preliminary Model
Lec 72- Arbitrary Posterior Palatal Seal
Lec 73- Interdigitation of the Pilkington-Turner Tooth
Lec 74- Types of Posterior Artificial Teeth
Lec 75- Complete Denture Processing - Flasking
Lec 76 - Complete Denture Processing - Boil Out
Lec 77 - Complete Denture Processing - Packing and Curing the Flask
Lec 78 - Complete Denture Processing - Deflasking
Lec 79 - Mounting Partially Edentulous Casts
Lec 80 - Oral Shield As a Habit-Control Orthodontic Appliance
Lec 81 - Preparation of an Anterior Pinledge Bridge
Lec 82 - The surveyor and its uses
Lec 83 - Setting Posterior 0 Versus 0 Degree Artificial Teeth
Lec 86 - Facebow Transfer of Maxillary Cast
Lec 87 - Post Ceramic Soldering Technique
Lec 88 - Taking and Pouring Preliminary Impressions (Alginate)
Lec 89 - Maxillary Cuspid Preparation for a Porcelain Fused to Gold Crown
Lec 90 - Anterior Guidance and Esthetics
Lec 91 - Forming the Occlusion Template
Lec 93 - Fabrication of Shellac Base Plates
Lec 94 - Adjusting Posterior Restorations
Lec 98 - Fabrication of a Direct Duralay Post
Lec 99 - Mandibular Bicuspid 3/4 Crown Preparation and Temporization