"Lec 5- Recap of General Philosophy Lecture 1"A series of lectures delivered by Peter Millican to first-year philosophy students at the University of Oxford. The lectures comprise the 8-week General Philosophy course and were delivered in late 2009.
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Tags: Lec 5- Recap of General Philosophy Lecture 1
Uploaded by: oxfordphilosophy ( Send Message ) on 09-09-2012.
Duration: 5m 50s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of Oxford
Lec 1- An Introduction to General Philosophy
Lec 2- The Birth of Modern Philosophy
Lec 3- From Aristotle to Galileo
Lec 4 - The Birth of the Early Modern Period: From Galileo to Descartes
Lec 6 -Introduction to Thomas Hobbes
Lec 7 -Robert Boyle's Corpuscularian Theory
Lec 8 -Isaac Newton and Instrumentalism
Lec 11 - Introduction to David Hume
Lec 12- David Hume: Concluding Remarks
Lec 13- The Problem of Induction
Lec 14 -Scepticism of the External World
Lec 15-Possible Answers to Scepticism of the External World
Lec 16- Introduction to Cartesian Dualism
Lec 17- Modern Responses to Dualism
Lec 18-Introdution to Knowledge
Lec 19- The Traditional Analysis of Knowledge
Lec 20- Gettier and Other Complications
Lec 21- Scepticism, Externalism and the Ethics of Belief
Lec 22- Introduction to Primary and Secondary Qualities
Lec 23-Problems with Resemblance
Lec 24- Abstraction and Idealism
Lec 25 - Making Sense of Perception
Lec 26 - Free Will, Determinism and Choice
Lec27 -Different Concepts of Freedom
Lec 28 - Hume on Liberty and Necessity
Lec 29- Making Sense of Free Will and Moral Responsibility
Lec 30 John Locke on Personal Identity