"Lec 36 - Auxillary Use During Periodontal Surgery" The utilization of an assistant during periodontal surgery, emphasizing the exchange of instruments, aspiration, retraction, suturing and dressing. Orig. air date: JUL 19 74 This is part of the Open.Michigan collection at: http://open.umich.edu/education
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Channels: Medical
Tags: Lec 36 - Auxillary Use During Periodontal Surgery
Uploaded by: michiganoralsurg ( Send Message ) on 08-09-2012.
Duration: 32m 47s
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This video is a part of a lecture series from of michigan
Lec 2- Segmental Maxillary Osteotomy
Lec 3- Speech Examination of a Cleft Palate Child
Lec 4- Local Anesthetic Injection Techniques
Lec 5- Assessment Techniques and Treatment Strategies Part II
Lec 6 - Assessment Techniques and Treatment Strategies Part II
Lec 7 - Assessment Techniques and Treatment Strategies Part I
Lec 8 - Exodontic Lab Technique
Lec 9 - Electrosurgery - Hardware and Demonstration
Lec 10 - Horizontal Mandibular Impaction and Maxillary Third Molar
Lec 12 - General Procedures in Oral Surgery
Lec 13 - Examination of Mouth and Jaw
Lec 14 - Procedures in Hospital Dentistry
Lec 15 - Diastema Closure and Frenectomy With Z-Plasty
Lec 16 - Impaction of Third Molars
Lec 17 - Aseptic Technique in Oral Surgery
Lec 18 - Mesioangular Mandibular Third Molar Impaction
Lec 19 - Gingival Hyperplasia Edentulous Alveolar Ridges
Lec 20 - Maxillary Canine Impaction
Lec 21 - Open Reduction for Fractures of Facial Bones
Lec 22 - Open Bite Surgical Procedures - Ostectomy for Prognathism
Lec 23 - Removal of Carious Lesion
Lec 24 - Central Hemangioma of Mandible With A-V Fistula
Lec 25 - Dental Anatomy and Oral Surgery
Lec 26 - Neurologic Evaluation of CNS Deficit
Lec 27 - Biopsy as aid to oral diagnosis
Lec 28 - Maxillary Tuberosity Reduction
Lec 29 - Removal of Large Ameloblastoma of Mandible
Lec 30 - Surgery for Immediate Complete Denture
Lec 31 - Removal of an impacted mandibular canine
Lec 32 - Periapical Surgery - Scallop Flap
Lec 33 - The Role of the Dental Assistant During Periodontal Surgery
Lec 34 - Endodontic Surgery: Flap Design
Lec 38 - Ostectomy for Prognathism
Lec 39 - Placement of Periodontal Dressing
Lec 40 - Central Giant Cell Granuloma of the Mandible
Lec 41 - Blood Coagulation Techniques and Hemostasis in Oral Surgery
Lec 42 - Patient Management and Operative Errors in Oral Surgery
Lec 43 - Anesthesia and Removal of a Nasopalatine Canal Cyst
Lec 44 - Palatopharyngeal Action in Speech and Deglutition
Lec 45 - Surgical Correction of Maxillofacial Asymmetry
Lec 46 - Cleft Palate Examination
Lec 47 - Exodontic Fundamentals - The Mandible
Lec 48 - Removal of Root from Maxillary Sinus
Lec 49 - Surgical Insertion of the Staple Implant
Lec 50 - Mucoperiosteal Flap Design and Surgical Removal of Teeth
Lec 51 - Surgical Correction of Anterior Open Bite
Lec 53 - Removal of Root Fragments From Maxillary Sinus
Lec 54 - Maxillary Tuberosity Reduction
Lec 55 - Excisional Biopsy of a Fibroma
Lec 56 - Excisional Biopsy of a Tongue Lesion
Lec 57 - Orientation to the Oral Surgery Operatory
Lec 58 - Vascular Anomaly Infratemporal Fossa
Lec 59 - Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery and Dental Anatomy
Lec 60 - Principles and Techniques in Septoplasty
Lec 61 - Hemostasis in Oral Surgery