Le 28 - Mortgage-Backed Securities I

This is a lecture of Khan Academy. Part I of the introduction to mortgage-backed securities

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Channels: Finance

Tags: Mortgage-Backed Securities I

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Duration: 7m 56s

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This video is a part of a lecture series from of khan

Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - Introduction to interest

Lec 2 - Interest (part 2)

Lec 3 - Introduction to Present Value

Lec 4 - Present Value 2

Lec 5 - Present Value 3

Lec 6 - Present Value 4 (and discounted cash flow)

Lec 7 - Introduction to Balance Sheets

Lec 8 - More on balance sheets and equity

Lec 9 - Home equity loans

Lec 10 - Renting vs. Buying a home

Lec 11 - Renting vs. buying a home (part 2)

Lec 12 - Renting vs. Buying (detailed analysis)

Lec 13 - The housing price conundrum

Lec 14 - Housing price conundrum (part 2)

Lec 15 - Housing Price Conundrum (part 3)

Lec 16 - Housing Conundrum (part 4)

Lec 17 - What it means to buy a company's stock

Lec 18 - Bonds vs. Stocks

Lec 19 - Shorting Stock

Lec 20 - Shorting Stock 2

Lec 21 - Is short selling bad?

Lec 22 - Chapter 7: Bankruptcy Liquidation

Lec 23 - Chapter 11: Bankruptcy Restructuring

Lec 24 - Return on capital

Lec 25 - Credit Default Swaps (CDS) Intro

Lec 26 - Mortgage Back Security Overview

Lec 27 - Collateralized Debt Obligation Overview

Lec 29 - Mortgage-backed securities II

Lec 30 - Mortgage-backed securities III

Lec 31 - Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO)

Lec 32 - Introduction to the yield curve

Lec 33 - Introduction to compound interest and e

Lec 34 - Compound Interest and e (part 2)

Lec 35 - Compound Interest and e (part 3)

Lec 36 - Compound Interest and e (part 4)

Lec 37 - Bailout 1: Liquidity vs. Solvency

Lec 38 - Bailout 2: Book Value

Lec 39 - Bailout 3: Book value vs. market value

Lec 40 - Bailout 4: Mark-to-model vs. mark-to-market

Lec 41 - Bailout 5: Paying off the debt

Lec 42 - Bailout 6: Getting an equity infusion

Lec 43 - Bailout 7: Bank goes into bankruptcy

Lec 44 - Bailout 8: Systemic Risk

Lec 45 - Bailout 9: Paulson's Plan

Lec 46 - Bailout 10: Moral Hazard

Lec 47 - Credit Default Swaps

Lec 48 - Credit Default Swaps 2

Lec 49 - Investment vs. Consumption 1

Lec 50 - Investment vs. Comsumption 2

Lec 51 - Bailout 11: Why these CDOs could be worth nothing

Lec 52 - Bailout 12: Lone Star Transaction

Lec 53 - Bailout 13: Does the bailout have a chance of working?

Lec 54 - Wealth Destruction 1

Lec 55 - Wealth Destruction 2

Lec 56 - Bailout 14: Possible Solution

Lec 57 - Bailout 15: More on the solution

Lec 58 - Banking 1

Lec 59 - Banking 2: A bank's income statement

Lec 60 - Banking 3: Fractional Reserve Banking

Lec 61 - Banking 4: Multiplier effect and the money supply

Lec 62 - Personal Bankruptcy: Chapters 7 and 13

Lec 63 - Introduction to Compound Interest

Lec 64 - The Rule of 72 for Compound Interest

Lec 65 - Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and Effective APR

Lec 66 - Introduction to Bonds

Lec 67 - Relationship between bond prices and interest rates

Lec 68 - Introduction to Mortgage Loans

Lec 69 - Traditional IRAs

lEC 70 - Roth IRAs

Lec 71 - 401(k)s

Lec 72 - Payday Loans

Lec 73 - Institutional Roles in Issuing and Processing Credit Cards

Lec 74 - Ponzi Schemes

Lec 75 - Currency Exchange Introduction

Lec 76 - Currency Effect on Trade

Lec 77 - Currency Effect on Trade Review

Lec 78 - Pegging the Yuan

Lec 79 - Chinese Central Bank Buying Treasuries

Lec 80 - American-Chinese Debt Loop

Lec 81 - Debt Loops Rationale and Effects

Lec 82 - American Call Options

Lec 83 - Basic Shorting

Lec 84 American Put Options

Lec 85 - Call Option as Leverage

Lec 86 - Put vs. Short and Leverage

Lec 87 Call Payoff Diagram

Lec 88 Put Payoff Diagram

Lec 89 - Long Straddle

Lec 90 - Put as Insurance

Lec 91- Put-Call Parity

Lec 92 - Put Writer Payoff Diagrams

Lec 93 - Call Writer Payoff Diagram

Lec 94 - Arbitrage Basics

Lec 95 - Put-Call Parity Arbitrage I

Lec 96 - Put-Call Parity Arbitrage II

Lec 97 - Put-Call Parity Clarification

Lec 98 - Actual Option Quotes

Lec 99 - Option Expiration and Price

Lec 100 - Forward Contract Introduction

Lec 101 - Futures Introduction