Lec 29 - Inverse Trig Functions: Arcsin

Inverse Trig Functions: Arcsin Introduction to the inverse trig function arcsin

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Channels: Mathematics

Tags: Inverse Trig Functions: Arcsin

Uploaded by: ( Send Message ) on 05-09-2012.

Duration: 10m 36s

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This video is a part of a lecture series from of khan

Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - Basic Trigonometry

Lec 2 - Basic Trigonometry II

Lec 3 - Radians and degrees

Lec 4 - Using Trig Functions

Using Trigonometric functions to solve the Using Trig Functions

Lec 5 - Using Trig Functions Part II

Lec 6 - The unit circle definition of trigonometric function

Lec 7 - Unit Circle Definition of Trig Functions

Lec 8 - Graph of the sine function

Lec 9 - Graphs of trig functions

Lec 10 - Graphing trig functions

Lec 11 - More trig graphs

Lec 12 - Determining the equation of a trigonometric function

Lec 13 - Trigonometric Identities

Lec 14 - Proof: sin(a+b) = (cos a)(sin b) + (sin a)(cos b)

Lec 15 - Proof: cos(a+b) = (cos a)(cos b)-(sin a)(sin b)

Lec 16 - Trig identities part 2 (parr 4 if you watch the proofs)

Lec 17 - Trig identies part 3 (part 5 if you watch the proofs)

Lec 18 - Trigonometry word problems (part 1)

Lec 19 - Trigonometry word problems (part 2)

Lec 20 - Law of cosines

Lec 21 - Navigation Word Problem

Lec 22 - Proof: Law of Sines

Lec 23 - Ferris Wheel Trig Problem

Lec 24 - Ferris Wheel Trig Problem (part 2)

Lec 25 - Fun Trig Problem

Lec 26 - Lec 24 - Polar Coordinates 1

Lec 27 - Polar Coordinates 2

Lec 28 - Polar Coordinates 3

Lec 30 - Inverse Trig Functions: Arctan

Lec 31 - Inverse Trig Functions: Arccos

Lec 32 - Trigonometry Identity Review/Fun

Lec 33 - Tau versus Pi

Lec 34 - IIT JEE Trigonometry Problem 1

Lec 35 - IIT JEE Trigonometric Maximum

Lec 36 - IIT JEE Trigonometric Constraints

Lec 37 - Trigonometric System Example

Lec 38 - 2003 AIME II Problem 11

Lec 39 - 2003 AIME II Problem 14