Lec Last - Potential Energy Surfaces, Transition State Theory and Reaction Mechanism

"Lec Last - Potential Energy Surfaces, Transition State Theory and Reaction Mechanism" Freshman Organic Chemistry (CHEM 125) After discussing the statistical basis of the law of mass action, the lecture turns to developing a framework for understanding reaction rates. A potential energy surface that associates energy with polyatomic geometry can be realized physically for a linear, triatomic system, but it is more practical to use collective energies for starting material, transition state, and product, together with Eyring theory, to predict rates. Free-radical chain halogenation provides examples of predicting reaction equilibria and rates from bond dissociation energies. The lecture concludes with a summary of the semester's topics from the perspective of physical-organic chemistry. 00:00 - Chapter 1. The Boltzmann Factor and Entropy Against Traditional Views on Society 07:40 - Chapter 2. The Statistical Basis of the Law of Mass Action 13:13 - Chapter 3. Understanding Reaction Rates: The Potential Energy Surface and Collective Energies 29:40 - Chapter 4. Free Radical Halogenations: Predicting Reaction Equilibria and Rates 43:01 - Chapter 5. A Summary of the First Semester Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses This course was recorded in Fall 2008.

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Lecture list for this course

Lec 1 - How Do You Know?

Lec 2 - Force Laws, Lewis Structures and Resonance

Lec 3 - Double Minima, Earnshaw's Theorem and Plum-Puddings

Lec 4 - Coping with Smallness and Scanning Probe Microscopy

Lec 5 - X-Ray Diffraction

Lec 6 - Seeing Bonds by Electron Difference Density

Lec 7 - Quantum Mechanical Kinetic Energy

Lec 8 - One-Dimensional Wave Functions

Lec 9 - Chladni Figures and One-Electron Atoms

Lec 10 - Reality and the Orbital Approximation

Lec 11 - Orbital Correction and Plum-Pudding Molecules

Lec 12 - Overlap and Atom-Pair Bonds

Lec 13 - Overlap and Energy-Match

Lec 14 - Checking Hybridization Theory with XH_3

Lec 15 - Chemical Reactivity: SOMO, HOMO, and LUMO

Lec 16 - Recognizing Functional Groups

Lec 17 - Reaction Analogies and Carbonyl Reactivity

Lec 18 - Amide, Carboxylic Acid and Alkyl Lithium

Lec 19 - Oxygen and the Chemical Revolution (Beginning to 1789)

Lec 20 - Rise of the Atomic Theory (1790-1805)

Lec 21 - Berzelius to Liebig and Wöhler (1805-1832)

Lec 22 - Radical and Type Theories (1832-1850)

Lec 23 - Valence Theory and Constitutional Structure (1858)

Lec 24 - Determining Chemical Structure by Isomer Counting (1869)

Lec 25 - Models in 3D Space (1869-1877); Optical Isomers

Lec 26 - Van't Hoff's Tetrahedral Carbon and Chirality

Lec 27 - Communicating Molecular Structure in Diagrams and Words

Lec 28 - Stereochemical Nomenclature; Racemization and Resolution

Lec 29 - Preparing Single Enantiomers and the Mechanism of Optical Rotation

Lec 30 - Esomeprazole as an Example of Drug Testing and Usage

Lec 31 - Preparing Single Enantiomers and Conformational Energy

Lec 32 - Stereotopicity and Baeyer Strain Theory

Lec 33 - Conformational Energy and Molecular Mechanics

Lec 34 - Sharpless Oxidation Catalysts and the Conformation of Cycloalkanes

Lec 35 - Understanding Molecular Structure and Energy through Standard Bonds

Lec 36 - Bond Energies, the Boltzmann Factor and Entropy